I agree there are fringe elements on the left, and perhaps they hate the constitution, they too are brainwashed and have an
oversimplified understanding of reality, having said that, it does
no good to have Christians rant and rail and become anti-science as so many on the far right seem to be doing.
And to believe this pandemic is about taking away constitutional liberties is the wrong view, the problem in the USA is the lack of
understanding, proper messaging, corrupt politicians and an extremely disorganized country and quite frankly most people do not
have the depth of your understanding nor the ability to be analytical.
Of course, it does no good to be anti-science on either side. This should be viewed in context as what is science?
Science, any system of knowledge that is concerned with the physical world and its phenomena and that entails unbiased observations and systematic experimentation. In general, a
science involves a pursuit of knowledge covering general truths or the operations of fundamental laws.
So, science is supposed to be unbias, include general truths, and systemically work to prove such theories that operate on fundamental laws.
You would assume that if science dealt with general truth, unbiased conclusions, and the use of the same fundamental laws of nature or logic, we wouldn't have opposing conclusions or at least near the same conclusions.
But truth has become a relative word and scientists have allowed their bias to infiltrate their conclusions. Both sides have these problems. It takes really good counter research or study of the sources and you will find flaws on both sides. This is part of what damages those who want to know what is true. Then in the US, the media is extremely bias so to hear counter research you actually have to work at it.
And to believe this pandemic is about taking away constitutional liberties is the wrong view
Obviously, this is where I disagree on. Although in context it wasn't the pandemic but the abuse of it that has led to rebellion. Mostly everyone was all on board with safety measures until they began to be hypocritical, people lost their jobs, and then story after story of abuse came out. Then the riots in which were basically allowed with no crack downs. People died and more businesses burned including churches.