The giving of the Holy Spirit to men is for two reasons. (i) So that they can partake of the divine LIFE of God. This is given INTERNALLY and is given when Christ was glorified in resurrection (Jn,7:39, 20:22). It adds the divine element to man's nature. (ii) So that they have POWER for ministry (Lk.24:49, Act.1:8). This is given OUTWARDLY like a uniform is given to a policeman. The Greek word means "furnished".
It is the same Holy Spirit, but He achieves two different tasks. The one is LIFE and it is given INTO the human spirit at rebirth (Jn.3:6). The other is POWER to do the work of God and is given outwardly. One is the Spirit "IN" you, and one is the Spirit "UPON" you. One was given when God approved Christ's sacrifice by resurrecting Christ, and the other was given on a Day when God's people had gathered for Pentecost. One is TO PRODUCE FRUIT, and one is for HARVESTING FRUIT. One is for BELIEVERS, one is for SERVANTS. One makes SONS of God, the other equips SERVANTS of God. The Spirit came UPON Balaam, but was never IN him. The Spirit was IN the "believers" of Ephesus (Act.19), but not UPON them (until they had the correct Baptism).
It is the same Holy Spirit, but He achieves two different tasks. The one is LIFE and it is given INTO the human spirit at rebirth (Jn.3:6). The other is POWER to do the work of God and is given outwardly. One is the Spirit "IN" you, and one is the Spirit "UPON" you. One was given when God approved Christ's sacrifice by resurrecting Christ, and the other was given on a Day when God's people had gathered for Pentecost. One is TO PRODUCE FRUIT, and one is for HARVESTING FRUIT. One is for BELIEVERS, one is for SERVANTS. One makes SONS of God, the other equips SERVANTS of God. The Spirit came UPON Balaam, but was never IN him. The Spirit was IN the "believers" of Ephesus (Act.19), but not UPON them (until they had the correct Baptism).
6And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them; and they spake with tongues, and prophesied.
Interestingly it looks like again you see it the opposite way round?