Slanderous: Of a spoken statement, false and malicious.
An example? "You do realize our current president is also a demented near-80 year old man, right? "
That should help you.
Fascinating how Biden supporters attack Trump with all manner of malicious false statements while proud to vote for a poor unfortunate career crook who sadly suffers dementia and in so doing endanger this country for four years, insure they and the rest of us will wear masks for four years as a sign of patriotism per Biden's promise to that effect, and in all likelihood after gaining the highest office when Biden corrupted the second chair one due to his greed, will either
"die" of the
Aneurysm that this time will take his life.
Or will suffer a Scalia type heart attack to insure Harris not only enters the highest office but then is able to herself choose her VP. Likely? BHO.
Which is why I think he's on the Liberal campaign trail on their behalf. Not because he wants to see Joe in the White House but because he knows KH will take his place asap.
Harris! A woman who slept her way to the top in Covidfornia politics. Was voted the most liberal Democrat in the entire Congress, an avowed Socialist, an enemy of police who upholds their de-funding, who promises to ban fracking, ban fossil fuels in the near future, that is less than 20 years, and is anti-gun and pro-post birth abortion, which in truth is infanticide.
And those aren't slanderous remarks. Those are on the record proofs against both Biden and Harris.
No, I won't do the legwork. Those issues have been discussed and linked in these forums. If you want more proof seek and find.
And all because those type voters hate Trump that much. They'd prefer an enemy of America, unborn babies, the U.S Constitution, liberty, freedom, and small business, to a man that is a Christian, who brought this country back from the brink the Obama/Biden eight year stint in office led us to, including building a robust economy and bringing jobs back to America. Reducing our dependence on foreign petroleum by building our own nations supply chain. Brought back the steel industry so that China wasn't our go-to. And so much more.
Unaware that a vote for Biden/Harris, or maybe they are aware, is a vote against this nation's future for four years and beyond.
And that is if those suffering Trump Derangement Syndrome, TDS, are even American in the first place.
If not, they're just fishing with bait because they actually hate themselves so much they can't not behave in such ways against the leaders of a country they're not even a part of. Their goal? To upset those who are.
Sad! Incredibly terribly sad. And evidence they're in a place where they can never ever cast a stone at Trump or even Biden as pertains to those men and their cognizant reality.