I don’t know too much about Washington and you can’t judge a person based on whether he’s a mason or not. My father in law is one of finest upstanding men that I know as he’s a mason and his father was a worshipful master in Texas.
From what I’ve read, the United States was founded as the new Atlantis and its purpose was to bring in the new world order. I have no idea if that’s true or not but I do know that the US is bringing in the new world order right now and has been since as far back as the civil war. I think I read that in Morals and Dogma. Most of the stuff I learned about masons was learned around 20 years ago and I’ve forgotten a lot of it. I do know that masons, the OTO, Rosicrucians and kabbalahists rule the world and all governments and they all worship Lucifer at the top.
There’s a YouTube channel called “Shaking My Head Productions”. It’s a Christian channel and they have tons of information on masons, occult symbolism and mind control.