We were created male and female, there is no other, the adversary has attempted to pervert the created order ever since the fall. There are those who have been delivered, restored and healed from this perversion of the created order.
Several I know who went home had this experience, they looked up, about long enough to hear the words "come up here", then went unconscious, then the body shut down over a period of time.
I have heard it taught this time is a time of resolving things that need resolved before beginning eternity, forgiving others, forgiving oneself, etc.
Several I know who went home had this experience, they looked up, about long enough to hear the words "come up here", then went unconscious, then the body shut down over a period of time.
I have heard it taught this time is a time of resolving things that need resolved before beginning eternity, forgiving others, forgiving oneself, etc.
The adversary (The Liberal Democrats) following the evil kingdom of darkness, they created LGBTQIAXZO, any claimed gender goes with them.
Of course God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve
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