I thank you all again for your contributions, I have determined that there are few if any personal witnesses capable of articulating their personal experiences receiving the Spirit and how it felt to them and how I might expect to feel and know the Spirit should I believe I have been touched and or filed therewith. I'll simply pray to my savior Christ for his revealing what I should expect and that he'll give me knowledge and the wisdom to know the Spirit. I've prayed that prayer without positive understanding, that's why I came here for fellowship by the experienced & personal knowledge.
You completely misunderstand Christianity when you say this. Again, NO FEELINGS are necessary. The only thing necessary to have the Holy Spirit is for God to save you. By grace through faith.
"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works, so that no one can boast." Eph. 2:8-9
No works involved! Just the wonderful grace, mercy and compassion of God.
I did have a very powerful experience when I was saved. I remember it like it was today, instead of 40 years ago. God spoke to me, and told me he was the Saviour of the Word. It was stunning! God also told me to read my Bible every day, and to repent of my sins. Which I did immediately, but still keep repenting when the Holy Spirit points out new things that are sin to me. After getting saved, I made the mistake of wanting to go to a pentecostal/charismatic church. I, too, was brainwashed like you are. I faked tongues, tried to be super holy. But, it was all a lie. Never did I hear in those churches what I was reading in the WHOLE council of God. After 15 years, I went to a normal church. The pastor was preaching the WHOLE Bible. Not stuck on feelings at all. I was glad I had been faithful in reading my Bible daily during those 15 years of being lost, looking for feelings instead of God.
So, believe, repent, confess and read the Word. If you do that, certainly the Holy Spirit is guiding and leading you! Instead, you have this immature idea that some uneducated preacher told you somewhere, that you have to FEEL something major to be saved. OK, I felt a lot. But I have never relied on those feelings, but relied on the Word of God, because the Spirit talked to me in Scriptures. You are completely missing the point of salvation, when you are asking about earth shaking events. Sometimes God does save people in an earth shaking manner. But, many people don't feel that way. They just believe God, and they are saved. My husband was a person like that. He loves God and serves him. But no unbiblical nonsense about having to feel something.
Read Acts, and see that even there, people are astonished, but it is the believing and repenting that shows their faith in God, not jumping up and down. Besides there are only 5 or 6 incidents of even speaking in tongues in the book of Acts. And those people are more astounded or astonished at what God has done them, than looking for some kind of experience. Experiences can grow old! Better to base your faith on the living and sovereign Saviour, than on some kind of excitement or feelings.
People have spoken correctly here, when they point you to the Bible, and not to experiences. Learn from the wisdom of many in this forum.