Enduring to the end is keeping those promises throughout our lives—no matter what. It means we don't quit because of life's difficulties or temptations. Conversely, failing to endure means backing away from what we've started—first promising loyalty to God and then withholding what we promised. ( LDS ) Mormons
THE way that leads to life is not an easy one. It is not for those wishing to follow the lines of least resistance. Fair-weather friends will not last long on it. It is a way being trod, not by the many, but by the few: “Go in through the narrow gate; because broad and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are the ones going in through it; whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are the ones finding it.”—Matt. 7:13, 14, NW. Jehovah witnesses
To get on the road that leads to life we must dedicate ourselves to the service of Jehovah God and then continue therein in spite of all the opposition that the world and the Devil can bring against us. As Jesus stated: “He that has endured to the finish is the one that will be saved.”—Matt. 24:13, NW.
Jehovah witnesses
teaches that one’s final salvation depends on the state of the soul at death. As Jesus himself tells us, “He who endures to the end will be saved” (Matt. 24:13; cf. 25:31–46). One who dies in the state of friendship with God (the state of grace) will go to heaven. The one who dies in a state of enmity and rebellion against God (the state of mortal sin) will go to hell.
Catholic .
Only some believers will endure till the end and be saved, according to Matthew 24:13. Other believers who fall away are not saved and, thus, OSAS is not valid.
David Pawson , Wesleyan Arminian
When Jesus says, “The one who endures to the end will be saved” (Matthew 24:13, ESV), He is speaking of those who are truly born again, whose lives are transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit. True followers of Jesus Christ will withstand the onslaught of wickedness, recognize and reject false teaching, and cling fast to the truth of God’s Word. They will overcome this world and be granted reward in the world to come (Revelation 3:21). Those who have been sealed by the Holy Spirit until the day of redemption (Ephesians 1:13; 4:30; 2 Corinthians 1:22) have His power working in them to enable them to stand firm (Romans 14:4; Jude 1:24–25).
Got questions .4 point calvinism
I believe everyone of these has misunderstood Jesus words " endure till the end to be saved " . As my position is that Jesus is talking about the Tribulation. Its not referring to beleivers in 2020 from the beginning of their 'conversion ' until they die as taught above . This would be salvation by works .
Not to be provocative but I have included The Jehovah witness , mormons ect ,because over the years in conversation with such groups the number one verse to support their theology is " endure to the end to be saved " .. Followed closely by " faith without works is dead "
Calvinsm also holds to a similar view but of course does hold to OSAS . However the misunderstanding of the verse is the same . And I believe does lead to a works based ' mind set ' and certainly Lordship salvation .
thoughts ?
THE way that leads to life is not an easy one. It is not for those wishing to follow the lines of least resistance. Fair-weather friends will not last long on it. It is a way being trod, not by the many, but by the few: “Go in through the narrow gate; because broad and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are the ones going in through it; whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are the ones finding it.”—Matt. 7:13, 14, NW. Jehovah witnesses
To get on the road that leads to life we must dedicate ourselves to the service of Jehovah God and then continue therein in spite of all the opposition that the world and the Devil can bring against us. As Jesus stated: “He that has endured to the finish is the one that will be saved.”—Matt. 24:13, NW.
Jehovah witnesses
teaches that one’s final salvation depends on the state of the soul at death. As Jesus himself tells us, “He who endures to the end will be saved” (Matt. 24:13; cf. 25:31–46). One who dies in the state of friendship with God (the state of grace) will go to heaven. The one who dies in a state of enmity and rebellion against God (the state of mortal sin) will go to hell.
Catholic .
Only some believers will endure till the end and be saved, according to Matthew 24:13. Other believers who fall away are not saved and, thus, OSAS is not valid.
David Pawson , Wesleyan Arminian
When Jesus says, “The one who endures to the end will be saved” (Matthew 24:13, ESV), He is speaking of those who are truly born again, whose lives are transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit. True followers of Jesus Christ will withstand the onslaught of wickedness, recognize and reject false teaching, and cling fast to the truth of God’s Word. They will overcome this world and be granted reward in the world to come (Revelation 3:21). Those who have been sealed by the Holy Spirit until the day of redemption (Ephesians 1:13; 4:30; 2 Corinthians 1:22) have His power working in them to enable them to stand firm (Romans 14:4; Jude 1:24–25).
Got questions .4 point calvinism
I believe everyone of these has misunderstood Jesus words " endure till the end to be saved " . As my position is that Jesus is talking about the Tribulation. Its not referring to beleivers in 2020 from the beginning of their 'conversion ' until they die as taught above . This would be salvation by works .
Not to be provocative but I have included The Jehovah witness , mormons ect ,because over the years in conversation with such groups the number one verse to support their theology is " endure to the end to be saved " .. Followed closely by " faith without works is dead "
Calvinsm also holds to a similar view but of course does hold to OSAS . However the misunderstanding of the verse is the same . And I believe does lead to a works based ' mind set ' and certainly Lordship salvation .
thoughts ?
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