Satan works in the churches the same way he worked in the garden of Eden and with Christ in the wilderness.
In the Garden of Eden, Satan told them that God had all knowledge which was true, Satan added that if they had all knowledge they would be like God which was Satan’s deceptive addition to truth.
Christ was tempted to test God by jumping from a high place, then to satisfy his hunger by turning a stone to bread, and tempted by Satan offering him world power. Satan quoted scripture to Christ to justify his temptations just as Satan is doing in the church today. Christ knew the whole truth, as a knowledge of the whole truth that is in scripture would take care of the additions to our church doctrines Satan has suggested.
So, we have those in our church saying God cancelled the Sabbath and changed it to the day the pagans used as a Sabbath, that God added Easter as a substitute for Passover, and insist that God cancelled all the Sinai covenant when he made things of the new covenant obsolete. They are all scripture based with a twist.
In the Garden of Eden, Satan told them that God had all knowledge which was true, Satan added that if they had all knowledge they would be like God which was Satan’s deceptive addition to truth.
Christ was tempted to test God by jumping from a high place, then to satisfy his hunger by turning a stone to bread, and tempted by Satan offering him world power. Satan quoted scripture to Christ to justify his temptations just as Satan is doing in the church today. Christ knew the whole truth, as a knowledge of the whole truth that is in scripture would take care of the additions to our church doctrines Satan has suggested.
So, we have those in our church saying God cancelled the Sabbath and changed it to the day the pagans used as a Sabbath, that God added Easter as a substitute for Passover, and insist that God cancelled all the Sinai covenant when he made things of the new covenant obsolete. They are all scripture based with a twist.
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