The representation that you have given of the King James Translators and the AV1611 (KJB) is an incorrect one, and misapplies their words, and is a terrible aprioric revision of actual history:
It (AV1611) is indeed a most magnificent and glorious Translation of the preserved words of God (Psalms 12:6-7).
There is even a section called
"... The Scriptures then being acknowledged to bee fo full and fo perfect ..." [PDF page 10]
"... If trueth be to be tried by thefe tongues [Hebrewe Volumes and originall Greeke], then whence fhould a Tranflation be made, but out of them? Thefe tongues therefore, the Scriptures wee fay in thofe tongues, wee fet before vs to transflate, being the tongues wherein God was pleafed to fpeak to his Church by his Prophets anf Apoftles. Neither did we run ouer the worke with the pofting hafte that the Septuagint did, if that be true [it isn't, as there is no "the Septuagint [LXX]", it's a myth] which is repor-ted of them, that they finifhed it in 72. dayes; neither were we barred or hindered from going ouer it againe, hauing once done it, like S. Hierome, if that be true which himfelf reporteth, that he could no fooner write any thing, but prefently it was caught from him, and publifhed, and he could not haue leaue to mend it: neither, to be fhort, were we the firft that fell in hand with transflating the Scripture into Englifh, and confequently deftitute of former helpes, as it is written of Origine ..." [PDF page 17]
As God's perfect word was translated, it is indeed, without error in its preserved words.