Thank you for sharing.....there’s more happening than what we see with our natural eyes....we need the Holy Spirit to truly understand all things...
I was only a child - 7 years old when I played and laughed with The Lion....two years ago I had another dream....the Lion stood beside my bed, smelled me and profusely licked me...I was a bit upset in my dream and said, “Lord, I wanted the Lion to ROAR over me,not lick me un controllable!”
Jesus said, “He remembers you, you played with Him when you were a child.”
I cried...I too remember the Lion - majestic and beautiful! I began to laugh.....remembering our playful laughter..
Regarding the terrible auto accident and loss of life.....we don’t see the entire whole picture....only the physical realm, not the spiritual or heavenly the spiritual-there are demons arguing over the souls but, in the heavenly there is Jesus Christ that just simply stands and says, “He is mine. She is mine. I WILL take from the Earth what IS MINE.”