Yes our high priest. prophet and apostle bears witness . When the father gave him words to speaks as prophecy they were easy to understand. He knew the tongue of God brought, the word of God prophecy. And there was no need to seek after the private interpretations of mankind to replace the work of the Holy Spirit ..
Others founded their wonderments on the oral traditions of men after the imaginations of their hearts. They mocked with stammering lips the tradition of God as
it is written. They made a noise fell backward mocking the spirit of judgment over and over as sign of those who fall of their high horse feeling the effect of the poison of false doctrines.
God using the word Dan defines those who fall backward slain in the spirit.
Genesis 49:17 Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward.
Fall backward, break neck also used as hanging all signs that point to the spirit of judgment .The letter of the law
He assigned the spirit of judgment to Dan. . giving meaning to the word used in parables throughout . .
Dan the tribe left out of the description of the bride of Christ in the book of Revelation. The letter of the law death will be cast into the judgment fire of God .It will not rise and condemn through corruption and entire creation ever again .
Falling backward in judgment using Judas the apostle missing from the same description of the same bride to show the power of the gospel I AM Jehovah powerful words that move. The power of the spirit of judgment, the power that those fall backward mock .
John 18:5-6 King James Version (KJV) They answered him, Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus saith unto them, I am he. And Judas also, which betrayed him, stood with them.As "soon" then as he had said unto them, I am he, they went backward, and fell to the ground.