creationist debate?

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Apr 5, 2020
Jesus said He saw Satan fall like lightning. That meant God tossed him at full throttle speed and he came crashing into this Earth which is his kingdom now.
Apr 5, 2020
The Ark of Noah is way too small for Dinosaurs. But we know they factually existed. I claim it was the Creation of Genesis 1:1 and when Satan came like a fast ball from a pitcher doing a trillion miles per lightyear and he hit the face of the Earth broadside, that caused a Calamity that killed the Dinosaurs. And it sent Earth into an "Ice Age" until God's anger cooled down and He created Adam.
Apr 5, 2020
a Brontosaurus, Bronchisaurus, t-rex, triceratops, and the other 30 factually MAMMOTHS big as the "SEARS TOWER" building in Chicago could not get into Noah's small door, nor could they all fit plus all of the other animals. The Dinosaurs are real, but they had to have been here before Adam!


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2015
See reply above yours Dino.
Thanks. If I understand you correctly, you hold to the six days being merely a pattern for humankind? Do you believe Adam and Eve were the first humans?


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2015
The Ark of Noah is way too small for Dinosaurs. But we know they factually existed.
Really? It isn't possible for dinosaurs to have been taken aboard when relatively young... and small? Have you seen how big the ark was?
Apr 5, 2020
Really? It isn't possible for dinosaurs to have been taken aboard when relatively young... and small? Have you seen how big the ark was?

True, but Ancient people like Egyptians, Mesopotamians, Asians, and others never speak about roaming Dinosaurs. Neither does the Bible. No one within the Bible speaks of Dinosaurs. But they did exist. This much we know. I am guessing they were here before Adam.


Senior Member
Feb 15, 2014
I am not discussing the Flood of Noah. It was not long enough to destroy the face of Earth to a null and void position like what Satan's Fall would have resulted in.
Ok, I see, but tell me, where is the proof for your suggestion with the Fall of Satan?
Apr 5, 2020
Ok, I see, but tell me, where is the proof for your suggestion with the Fall of Satan?

There is a compilation of Scriptures, mostly from the Prophets, some from king David, plus what Jesus said He witnessed. Even Peter hints on it in his Epistle. Let me see, I posted it on another thread here. Let's see if I can find it again for you.


Senior Member
Feb 15, 2014
True, but Ancient people like Egyptians, Mesopotamians, Asians, and others never speak about roaming Dinosaurs. Neither does the Bible. No one within the Bible speaks of Dinosaurs. But they did exist. This much we know. I am guessing they were here before Adam.
But it is interesting that the people spoke from dragons ( many Countrys habe them in there mythology and history. Even in germany. How it comes that.) I met long time ago an Australian atheist, ( in this time I was no christian) And he was volonteer for an seaaquarium. He told that people found an day on sea an Animal which they thought it must died Million years ago. But the body was so destroyed, that they through it over Board.
So I can imagin that dinosaurs lived in the time of humans without problem. But after flood the Atmosphäre changed and they finaly died.
Apr 5, 2020
This is in relationship that Peter in 2 Peter 3:6 was discussing a Flood before Noah's and it was caused by Satan.

6 Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:

God Formed The Earth To Be Inhabited Turn your Bible with me to,
Isaiah 45:18 18 “For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the LORD, and there is none else.”

Our Heavenly Father “formed” the earth to be inhabited. He formed the earth for people, animals, insects, and plants to thrive.
He did not form the earth “without form, void”, full of “darkness” and covered in water, nor could life emerge from the earth if it was “an indistinguishable ruin”.

God did not create the earth “in vain” (Strong’s: H8414) which is the same Hebrew word we find in Genesis 1:2 being “without form”. Jehovah, our Heavenly Father is telling us plainly, He did not create the earth “vain,” He did not create the earth “without form”.
Instead, He created the earth with “form” (Strong’s: H3335) which means,

“To mould into a form; especially as a potter”.
Our Father is the Potter who molded the earth into form, He “established” (Strong’s: H3559) the earth which means He “perfected” it, (Isaiah 64:8).

Scripture makes it abundantly clear, our Father “is not the author of confusion,” He is not the Creator of “a desolation,” “but of peace” and ‘perfection’, (1 Corinthians 14:33, Psalms 18:30).

Isaiah 45:18 perfectly aligns with Genesis 1:2 when we understand “was” should have been translated “became”.

These facts bring harmony to the Scriptures. He formed the earth in perfection, but it “became without form, void,” and full of “darkness” due to Satan’s Sin in “The World That Was”, “before the heavens and earth which are now.”

The World That Was “Became” Covered In Water Our Father is gracious enough to provide us with multiple witnesses to the facts we have covered so far. We are going to turn our Bible to the book of Psalms, and we should understand Psalms 104:5-30 perfectly overlays with Genesis 1:1-31.

Psalms 104:5 5 “Who laid the foundations of the earth that it should not be removed for ever.”

Jehovah, our Heavenly Father laid the foundations of the earth “in the beginning” as Genesis 1:1 documents. Scripture makes it clear, the earth will never be removed, (Genesis 8:22).

When this took place is unknown to mankind, it could have been millions or even billions of years ago. I am sure one day our Father will provide us with these details.

Psalms 104:6 6 “Thou coveredst it with the deep as with a garment: the waters stood above the mountains.”

While Psalms 104:5 explains our Father “laid the foundations of the earth” in the beginning, verse 6 explains He then covered the earth with water. Meaning, it was not covered with water before, but “became” covered in water, “became without form, void” and full of “darkness” as we learned in Genesis 1:2.

Scripture provides us with even more clarity and detail by explaining there was so much water it “stood above the mountains”. Simply meaning, there was no “dry land” which completely aligns with the state of the earth as outlined in Genesis 1:2;9 until “the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters,” during the Seven Days of Genesis.

For our Father to create the earth in ‘perfection’ and then destroy “The World That Was” by covering the earth in water means something happened. There had to be a reason for Him to take such action. As we have explained, this was due to Satan’s Sin in The First Earth Age.

This is the earth age and its destruction which Peter describes as the world that was, caused by Lucifer and the angels who followed him, Revelation 12:4. This is not describing Noah’s flood, which is of this second and present earth age, the age of the judgment of all men. The flood of Genesis 6 had the family of Noah, birds, and no mention of cities which were destroyed. In verse twenty-two, God tells us of the shortcomings of His children during this present earth age, because there is hardly any teaching of the 1st earth age and its overthrow, yet the scientific community knows that this earth had undergone turmoil at one time.


Senior Member
Mar 13, 2014
(Sticks up hand)

(and wonders why the OP included "debate?" in the thread title)
I stuck both my hands in the air. Really, there is nothing to debate as the story of creation is told in the book of Genesis. "In the beginning..." good a place to start as any and the rest is history.


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2015
True, but Ancient people like Egyptians, Mesopotamians, Asians, and others never speak about roaming Dinosaurs. Neither does the Bible. No one within the Bible speaks of Dinosaurs. But they did exist. This much we know. I am guessing they were here before Adam.
I agree that dinosaurs were on Earth before Adam... by a day or two. ;)

Many cultures show knowledge of dinosaurs, prior to the 20th century. Artwork depicting living (or recently-deceased) dinosaurs is found across the globe. That something is not mentioned as such in the Bible is not evidence that it didn't exist. The Bible doesn't mention marsupials either, for example. "Dinosaur" is a recent word, not likely to be found in Greek or Hebrew. You might find some interesting words from those languages though, translated "behemoth", "leviathan", and "dragon".
Apr 15, 2017
I believe in a young earth creation.

Gen 1:5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

When the Bible says the evening and morning were the first day, and for every day after that the morning and the evening was a day, it means a day, which this is in relation to the 7 day week.

God created all things in 6 literal days, and rested on the 7th day.

Also the Bible says God called the light Day, and the darkness Night, so how does that apply to creating things over a long period of time, or evolution.

Gen 1:11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.

Gen 1:21 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

Gen 1:24 And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.

God created everything after their kind, which that life form only produced from itself, and not from a lower form.

Which God created everything in the mature form, and they reproduced from there.

What came first the chicken or the egg, the chicken of course.

The same as God created Adam and Eve in their mature form, for He called them man and woman, and they reproduced from there.

Gen 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

Gen 2:19 And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.

God created all living things from the dust of the earth, and not from an evolution process from a lower species.

God did not take a long time to create everything, created everything after their kind so birds can only come from birds of their species, as well as all life forms, and formed all living things from the dust of the earth, and not by an evolution process.

God created Eve right there on the spot after Adam was created and did not need to use a slow process to cause her to be created.

Jesus healed right on the spot being able to form physical matter, and did come about by a slow process.

God does not have to take a long time to create all things, and does not have to use evolution to bring things about, for He can create things in their mature form and fast without any other process.

God understands the workings of physical matter, and every particle of it, and takes that matter and forms whatever He wants to form, and is highly intelligent and knows everything that there is possibly to know, so He can create fast and in their mature form without a slow process to bring things about.

Why would God use a slow process, or evolution, to bring things about when He can create fast, and in their mature form, and God wants us to know how great He is and creating fast gives Him more glory.

And why would God wait for all that time for Adam and Eve to come about to have fellowship with Him for what would be the purpose of that when He can have fellowship with them fast.

God created everything in their mature form and fast for He understands how to do that, so that is the way He did it.

Also God created fast because He is an omnipresent Spirit, and does not have to move around because He is already there.

By the time God created one planet He can create them all, and the time it took Him to create one star He can create them all.

By the time He created one fish He can create them all, and by the time He created on animal He created them all.

For He does not have to move for He is already there, so He does not have to go from place to place to create.

And God is a Spirit that can utilize His whole being to create for He is not limited to only having to work with His hands like people.

I believe God could of created all things faster than the 6 days, but He created all things in 6 days in relation to the 7 day week, in which He created all things in 6 days, and rested on the 7th day, literal days, and the Jews worked 6 days, and rested on the 7th day, literal days.

God is not going to use evolution a slow process to bring about creation when He understands the workings of physical matter and can form whatever He wants to form, and that is how He did it, for nothing came from a lower life form to a higher life form, for God created everything from the dust of the earth, and after their kind, and can create everything in their mature form, and can create fast for He does not have to move from place to place for He is already there.

God could create a billion stars by the time it took Him to create one star, He could create a billion horses by the time it takes Him to create one horse.

1Ti 6:20 O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:
1Ti 6:21 Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen.

Do not believe science so falsely called, and some try to harmonize creation of the Bible with evolution.

1Ti 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
1Ti 4:2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
1Ti 4:3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.
1Ti 4:4 For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving:
1Ti 4:5 For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.

God warns the saints of the new age movement that interprets the Bible according to the occult, and evolution, and people are still evolving to be greater and spiritual provided by the New Age Christ, and Jesus is not Lord and Savior, but a good teacher and love, and evolved to be an ascended master and avatar, and believe in no personal God, but honor the God of forces, or the power of nature as their higher power, the evolutionary process, and the New Age Christ is the final teacher.

The belief of evolution will lead the world to believe the Bible according to evolution, and they will stop believing in a personal God, and some shall depart from the faith and follow them.

Which I know many people will believe in evolution but believe in a personal God, but many will follow the interpretation of evolution, and believe there is no personal God because of evolution.

God creating things in their mature form, and fast, testifies of His greatness, and not evolution, and a slow process.

There may be some species that can evolve somewhat but that was built in them like an electric eel, or a lightning bug, or a bat with radar, but they were all created in their mature form.


Thankyou all, It appears that some poster’s don’t want to have Bible discussions (on a Christian chat forum!). There are other platforms to discuss secular topics, why choose this one? Unless of course, there is an agenda😐God forbid. If Christians are discouraged from discussing The Bible, what else is there to discuss?
“They devoted themselves to the apostles teaching, breaking of bread, fellowship and prayer (and The Lord added to their number daily).
like this quote:-
“God himself has condescended to teach the way: for this very end, He came from heaven. He hath written it down in a book. O give me that book! At any price give me the Book of God!...Here is knowledge enough for me. Let me be “homo unius libri ”. (“A man of one Book”)
Wesley (paraphrased)


Wesley read other books 😉


Dinosaurs are found in the Bible. Job for instance.

I am a young earth spoken into existence from nothing type of guy.
Apr 5, 2020
So I can imagin that dinosaurs lived in the time of humans without problem. But after flood the Atmosphäre changed and they finaly died.

It makes no sense to think the Atmosphere changed during Noah's Flood because the vegetation remained intact and alive giving off the same nitro as before. And being they were created alike, humans difference being a soul, if the Dino's died so would have Noah!


Senior Member
Jul 3, 2015
It makes no sense to think the Atmosphere changed during Noah's Flood because the vegetation remained intact and alive giving off the same nitro as before. And being they were created alike, humans difference being a soul, if the Dino's died so would have Noah!
Had it ever rained before the flood?


Senior Member
Feb 15, 2014
It makes no sense to think the Atmosphere changed during Noah's Flood because the vegetation remained intact and alive giving off the same nitro as before. And being they were created alike, humans difference being a soul, if the Dino's died so would have Noah!
No,I dont Think so. Look how old people became before the flood and how old after. The Atmosphäre was different before the flood. If you imagine that 40 days rain emptied the water belt which was above the heaven (genesis 1,7) and filtert the U V so that all life could live longer.
Then for me its logic that this was different after the flood.


Had it ever rained before the flood?
Genesis 2:4-6
4. This is the history of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens, 5. before any plant of the field was in the earth and before any herb of the field had grown. For the Lord God had not caused it to rain on the earth, and there was no man to till the ground; 6.but a mist went up from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground. 👍