KJV Only guys didn't like it because I gave away ESV Bibles. In fact, I donated a lot of them to the library and guards were not allowed
to give them to prisoners.
Prophecy nuts didn't like it because I challenged their views.
Free-willers didn't like it because I believe God is sovereign in salvation.
Charismatics didn't like it because I disagreed with their teachings about generational curses, God talking to them audibly, weird dreams and prophecies, etcetera.
I didn't go seeking to correct them, but prisoners would ask me what I thought about some point of teaching coming from them, and I would answer plainly.
Ultimately, though, I quit because of an issue with Christian books related to the corrections officers. However, I believe behind the scenes the charismatic chaplain was restricting my activity due to doctrinal disagreements.
Which is fine with me..I'm not going to teach charismatic stuff or fail to give prisoners proper answers.
I didn't have much respect for the chaplain anyways..he ran a business on the side that involved driving people long distances. One lady asked if she could work for him, and he told her that she would have to be ok with falsifying reports when she drove more than a certain distance per day, as it was required sometimes to get people to their destinations without an overnight stay. I don't know about him, but as a Christian I consider lying to be immoral, and to ask others to do it is immoral, too.