Ishtar, Babylonian fertility goddess. Jesus didn't come to start the Christian religion. Manmade religion is always combining the sacred and the profane. Demons know He died and rose again but they reject holiness, the Kingdom of God and the preeminence of the Holy Spirit. Sound like Christianity at all?
"Easter" has helped obscure what the fulfillment of Christ as our Passover is intended to do in our lives. We must come out of Egypt. We must come through the water. We must receive the pillar of fire/cloud, moving only at His direction, following Him wholeheartedly so that we can go in and take this Land of Promises found in the Word of God. His Kingdom must come. His will must be done on earth - and by us - just as it is done in heaven. The Lord Jesus didn't come for a day to be celebrated once a year, for buildings to be built, for children to wear pretty dresses and hunt fertility symbols in the tall grass. Satan tosses his head back in gleeful laughter. Jesus didn't come for us to sit in a pew an hour and a half a week and look at the back of someone's head, stand up, sit down, stand up sit down, listen to "the pastor" lecture and walk out until we do it again next week. It's all an inspired mockery.
The Bible is our Constitution. God tells us to pray without stopping, that His Word is always to be on our lips, to do nothing on our own initiative, to stop sinning, that a man's hair is to be short and woman's long. To eagerly desire spiritual gifts, especially the gift of prophecy. To be perfect. That the husband in the head of the wife just as Christ is the Head of the Church. That a church in a locality consists solely of men who are elders, of deacons (servers) and sheep. And on and on with many things "God's people" reject and that are alien to them.
Sola Scriptura. Jesus Christ is Lord and our spiritual act of worship is the presentation of our bodies to Him as living sacrifices. Yes, He is Head over ALL things for His (true) Church. Narrow is the gate and difficult the Way to life, and few are they that find it.
Acts 12:4 KJV