Definitely a lot of other things happening not being covered especially around oil etc.,
Also definitely a way to drive up government debt which is a huge problem.
Definitely a power grab for sure!!!
Martial law will come to Canada in the next few weeks
For sure there are promising treatments.
But the transmission rate on this virus is not like the flu... it increases exponentially so it is a moving target that will not be seasonal, it will be waves like the Spanish Flu.
But just from the people side....
The problem is not only virus itself which has about a 2% mortality rate in fairly good systems but the ability of the health care system to manage the number as they increase.
There are not enough beds, not enough medical supplies for the health care workers, nor enough ventilators etc.,
As well other illness will not be able to be treated, so we have collateral damage.
If not contained then it spreads, no way around that... even at 2% percent mortality rate of 337 000 million people in the USA is a lot of people.
I think for the USA the economy will be ruined, liberty lost and a lot of people are still going to die.. but maybe I am wrong time will tell.
I was pretty gentle ...