Why? This is the net. If someone wants to find out how to make Colloidal Silver they're better off researching on their own so as to learn all about it. Especially important for homemade CS is it is very easy to contaminate the batch.
Rely on independent sources for making CS. Anyone can claim anything in an anonymous discussion. However, simply researching all things or interest in Colloidal Silver is the responsible thing to do if one is considering incorporating CS into their healing regimen.
Colloidal Silver has been used for generations in healing. It isn't new. However, the purity factor in the creation of the formula, because the silver particles carry an electrical charge.
Enough of taking this thread off topic further. CS had no place in this topic in the first place , imo. The last thing I'll say is, if you're considering CS, anyone reading this, consider that you should research very carefully before agreeing to consume something that will affect your health. For the good, as CS has a history of healing, and yet also for the bad, because people have died from CS toxicity.
I was formerly employed in the alternative healing field and for many years. I know of what I speak. Witnessing someone enter your office suffering with
Argyria is proof enough to make you very aware there are risks.
And yes, I said anyone can become anyone on the Net, therefore the individual will have to decide for themselves if I am credible in my concerns. However, I do know what I'm talking about and that is why I too derailed this thread further in speaking about Colloidal Silver. Because it is a matter of being responsible, and for me that entails speaking up when someone claims drinking an ounce of CS a day is good for you. There is plenty of medical evidence that proves that is not always the case. In fact, CS can build up in body tissues and long term exposure means makes for a greater risk in that.
Remember too that the silver in CS is the same kind of silver used in jewelry and dental fillings.
OK, soapbox is put away. That's all folks.