I'm not as current on all the news as I would like to be, due to financial limitations for internet access, but it was good to see an internet photo of President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump at a public appearance recently.
I don't believe that it is in America's best interest to disrupt the duties of the legally elected President of the United States of America, elected by majority democratic vote.
While every citizen may not agree with everything a president or his administration's actions, challenges to presidential authority must be based on substantial and verifiable facts, or else those who do so are risking legal repercussions themselves.
To challenge the executive branch of authority, without just cause, could be tantamount to treason, and not in the best interest of national security, regardless of political affiliation.
It appears to be a dangerous gamble to undermine his re-election. I hope to look at some more evaluation results regarding economic development.
While I am a moderate conservative on some issues, I support good environmental stewardship, judicial reforms that ensure equal access to life, liberty, and justice to all, including the unborn, religious freedom, and policies that reward hard work, as well as equal access to medical care, protection from civil corruption, and protection from persecution of vulnerable citizens, and policies that ensure police officers are using their resources safely and effectively, to ensure public safety, and policies that do not unnecessarily endanger military personnel.
Therefore, until proven otherwise, I support President Donald Trump, and anticipate positive divinely inspired actions that favor peaceful international relations, and some creative teamwork to build public confidence and culteral cooperation, understanding, communication that promotes the values that America was founded upon.
Working together, we can, with God's help, make America great again, even though this has always been a great country.