Why would people be told to work out their Salvation with fear and trembling if no one has salvation until they endure to the end?
The reason I am a "Calvinist" is because I have worked out my Salvation with fear and trembling.
I was just like all of you at the beginning. Thinking that I was the cause of God moving to give me Salvation based on how good and clever with scripture I was.
I can see where you had your issues in that beginning.
Jesus made it very simple after suffering a very difficult journey to end up where he was born to belong; on the cross.
All that is required is to hear of that sacrifice, which is part of the Good News of Salvation , since Jesus died taking the sins of the world upon himself there, and
That's it.
And once one believes, they can be Baptized and with the indwelling Holy Spirit work out their living with the Spirit of God leading the way. And that process there is learning to let go and let ones self to trust God's design in one's unique personal life as the life long process of sanctification takes place day after day until there are no more days.
Where Calvinism fails, in my view, in the first part of its processing scriptures so as to create a doctrine labeled, "Calvinism", is when it is unable to consolidate cause.
The cause of Christ was to take the sins of the world upon Himself on the cross. That whosoever believes in Him, that last sacrifice, that legendary and final "scapegoat" and why and for what reason He died, then conquered death, shall be saved from it.
When Christ was born to take the sins of the world, it is inconsistent to then argue He did that to save only those preselected , the foreknown, so that they only would then be saved. Jesus took the sins of the world upon himself but only to save a select number of persons alive in the world?
And this is where Calvinism and RT brings insult to the divinity of God, in my view.
All that doctrinal presupposition concerning God's motives for creating what those doctrines define within themselves as the "elect of God", exist because, for those to be consistent and in context of that doctrines definition of salvation , it would mean God fully intended "in the beginning" to set the damnation exemplar into motion.
And that is why He in His Omniscience did plant the forbidden tree and did let His adversary to enter in. When we learned in the book of Job that that enemy of God cannot do anything if not let to do so by his Creator.
Because, if God foreknew whom He would save before the world was created, that means God would have to preordain that which those elect would need to be saved from.
And per the TULIP formula that carries across the RT doctrinal landscape, that God unconditionally elects those who's name He foreknew to be in His grace, precludes grace by definition, from being a factor for all at all.
Because courteous goodwill, the definition of grace, would not prepare man's damnation after making a list of names the preparer would save from the condition of His own will's making, sin and damnation, and then cause to hold faith in Him those he predestined to save from that. When what it is that is saving select people from is their Creators own premeditated damnation model set into place for the world's people before there was created a world or people.
That all makes God not Savior, but rather something to be saved from.
I think once you find out that God is in Charge and you are NOT, it is a really humbling thing. And a blessing on top of it, for people who think they have to control everything or it will all come tumbling down.
That God created humans in His image and likeness, to argue God is sovereign, and then argue that humans are but malleable clay vessels devoid of their own capacity to exercise their thoughts and will freely, is inconsistent with divine intervention in the fallen human condition.
When it is all God that means even damnation is all God. Which is precisely the message of the RT doctrines definition of its "elect". For those elect to exist according to God's predetermination so too is God then responsible for predetermining those born to die damned.
That then negates the omni=benevolent characteristic of God, and makes the Devil not that hungry lion seeking souls to devour, but rather makes him just another cog in the wheel of predestination wherein God is the sole actor at the controls. And everything else are just props.
And make no mistake, I am not here to try to argue any RT or Calvinist out of their beliefs. Rather, the more this issue is discussed, the more I put myself in the shoes of one who would adapt the RT/TULIP principle to my own life, thinking on it, trying it on sort of speak in that way while these debates run on for pages. And I have to say, if I really did believe that God was what John Calvin said, and what RT defines through TULIP, I believe I would be better off turning Agnostic. And hoping if there was a higher power it would have the common decency to love its creation more than what RT tells me it does, while calling itself holy.