I'm not a law-keeper, but I still haven't found a single piece of evidence -- in the Gospels -- that Jesus ever told us to stop keeping the Law. Should we rely solely on what Paul said?
Jesus, Yeshua, by His action and by His teaching has clarified how the law should be regarded after His presence here, His first advent.
Hearing Him we learn that any law without mercy, justice and faith is not to be applied. He was perfect. He did not break the law, yet He defended the adulteress from being stoned to death according to the law….Did He break the law in so ding? No, He demonstrated the law without mercy is not good.
He did the same in teaching we should love our enemies and turn the other cheek if smited thereon.
He told us not to teach against the least of the laws lest we be forever the leasst in the Kingdom for He did not come to destroy the law rther to complete it.
Learning from Jesus, Yeshua, is totally uplifdting and edifying as per living obedient to the commandments and laws that remain after He completed mosst of them
All of the laws that you kow make up the two Great Laws of love are still to be obeyed. This is obvious if anyone loves in the Holy Spirit.
No our obedience does not save us, it is Christ's obedience that saves any soul, but to not obey is simply being completely ungrateful to God and reckoning Him to be unfait, and worse yet, unwise.
I will always love our Father's wisdom. God bless you and have a wonderful Day of Rest............j