I have learned that this place is just like other places, full of wonderful and dynamic ppl, with a bunch of opinions. However, some here, like everywhere else, are unkind, unforgiving and prideful. I have learned thinking the very best of ppl is good, but sometimes it has proven delusional, lol.
Ppl can be hard on each other and themselves, but there is priceless loyalty here that can be really touching to witness.
I have learned that like everywhere else, there are some more different than others, that everyone is doing their best to do their best, even if it doesn't always appear as such. I have learned that sometimes the nicest of ppl are sometimes not so nice.
I have learned that I enjoy being here, probably too much. I have learned that loving ppl where they are is something we all struggle with sometimes. However, in spite of that, I have learned that this place is full of many lovable, funny, creative and oh so interesting ppl.
I thank my Lord for this place and for the family in Christ here.