Point taken brother. Yes, I am a conservative, Bible believing evangelical Christian. 👍
That is what I meant by NOT FITTING IN WITH EITHER SIDE of that Rotten Argument.
What makes it ROTTEN? THIS VERSE:
Proverbs 6:16-19 (CSBBible)
16 The LORD hates six things;
in fact,
seven are detestable to him:
arrogant eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that shed innocent blood,
18 a heart that plots wicked schemes,
feet eager to run to evil,
19 a lying witness who gives false testimony,
one who stirs up trouble among brothers.
True Calvinist's would say You have to believe all 5 points to be a true Calvinist.
AND Armenian's you are not a true Armenian, if you believe even one point of Calvinist Doctrine.
Most conservative evangelicals, do not believe either side of that ARGUMENT, has everything right.
That is why I say we BURIED that argument back in the early 80's.
Evangelical means we BELIEVE the WORD of GOD was INSPIRED BY GOD HIMSELF through the HOLY SPIRIT, and was 100% correct in it's original manuscripts. It is Alive and Pertinent to Today as in every age of Christians.
We do not believe the Bible permits women to because Pastors.
We believe the Miracles were worked through the Apostles only and to Validate that the new words, were as much the WORD OF GOD, as the Old Testament.
The modern day so-called word of faith miracles are counterfeits, including
tongues, faith healers, etc. We do believe that GOD will work Miracles in answer to PRAYER, and that we should ask ELDERS to pray for us.
We believe that the TEACHING OF THE WORD should dominate the weekly Worship Service, and not the Singing, tho both are important. So many Churches today focus more on ENTERTAINMENT, instead of teaching the Congregation the WORD of GOD.