Finding safe common ground…
54 year old single Mama/Mimi, living for nobody to see anyone but Jesus.. well that is where my soul yearns to be. My flesh would beg to differ.
2 dogs, had three one recently passed. My oldest adult daughter and her two children are living with me while her hubby is deployed in SK. My youngest daughter and family live close by. I only have two kiddos. I may move soon to go help care for my elderly Mama and step father, my Papa. The Lord will guide my steps, I pray.
I have a story just like everyone. Ups, downs and all arounds, lol.
Born in Colorado, lived in several states.
Greatest strength is my Lord, but besides that my sensitivity, but that is also my greatest weakness.
Pet Peeves = arrogance and arrogant assumptions, ppl assuming the worst, so quickly.
Balance is my goal, imbalance seems to be my comfort zone, lol.
Favorite things besides my loves... nature, transparency, writing, reading, learning and laughter, oh and sleep...crazy about all those things,
Three positive words that describe me… kind, warm, sincere
Three not so good...a bit much sometimes (irritating), unfocused, overthinking…
Would love to speak more languages, play the piano and guitar, but want nothing more than to know my Lord more and more.
Genuinely intrigued with ppl, find them so fascinating, especially when I see God in them.
I believe God is our Teacher but our peers, our brethren, are gifts that He gives us all to help each other along the way.
Love to learn and open for correction, given with dignity. I am thankful for the gift of growing and learning. I can, however, easily revert back to childish self centeredness.
My Lord deals with me patiently, but sometimes gives me the what for, for my own good and for those around me.
I am going on about me here,
though, in hopes you might be willing to share more about yourselves, taking the focus OFF of ME…
Wait there is more, lol...
I'm kinda a nerd and a misfit but not because I am so smart, lol..
I so respect reconciliation, accountability and humility...those are Godsends to me. My sweet spot is finding harmony in the scripture.
I hope to do missions trips someday, but also would love to do an Alaskan cruise, live in a cozy cabin, and bathe a baby elephant, just to name a few, lol. Dreaming
Ok enough about me (could've been more succinct, lol, another common problem, lol, I have).
Care to share anything about yourselves?
Remember... nothing that leaves you feeling vulnerable. Just let us get to know you, we already now know LOTS about me.
No pressure on giving response or how much one chooses to share. I'd just like to find safe common ground.
If you make us laugh, we all win, lol.
54 year old single Mama/Mimi, living for nobody to see anyone but Jesus.. well that is where my soul yearns to be. My flesh would beg to differ.
2 dogs, had three one recently passed. My oldest adult daughter and her two children are living with me while her hubby is deployed in SK. My youngest daughter and family live close by. I only have two kiddos. I may move soon to go help care for my elderly Mama and step father, my Papa. The Lord will guide my steps, I pray.
I have a story just like everyone. Ups, downs and all arounds, lol.
Born in Colorado, lived in several states.
Greatest strength is my Lord, but besides that my sensitivity, but that is also my greatest weakness.
Pet Peeves = arrogance and arrogant assumptions, ppl assuming the worst, so quickly.
Balance is my goal, imbalance seems to be my comfort zone, lol.
Favorite things besides my loves... nature, transparency, writing, reading, learning and laughter, oh and sleep...crazy about all those things,
Three positive words that describe me… kind, warm, sincere
Three not so good...a bit much sometimes (irritating), unfocused, overthinking…
Would love to speak more languages, play the piano and guitar, but want nothing more than to know my Lord more and more.
Genuinely intrigued with ppl, find them so fascinating, especially when I see God in them.
I believe God is our Teacher but our peers, our brethren, are gifts that He gives us all to help each other along the way.
Love to learn and open for correction, given with dignity. I am thankful for the gift of growing and learning. I can, however, easily revert back to childish self centeredness.
My Lord deals with me patiently, but sometimes gives me the what for, for my own good and for those around me.
I am going on about me here,
though, in hopes you might be willing to share more about yourselves, taking the focus OFF of ME…
Wait there is more, lol...
I'm kinda a nerd and a misfit but not because I am so smart, lol..
I so respect reconciliation, accountability and humility...those are Godsends to me. My sweet spot is finding harmony in the scripture.
I hope to do missions trips someday, but also would love to do an Alaskan cruise, live in a cozy cabin, and bathe a baby elephant, just to name a few, lol. Dreaming
Ok enough about me (could've been more succinct, lol, another common problem, lol, I have).
Care to share anything about yourselves?
Remember... nothing that leaves you feeling vulnerable. Just let us get to know you, we already now know LOTS about me.
No pressure on giving response or how much one chooses to share. I'd just like to find safe common ground.
If you make us laugh, we all win, lol.
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