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Senior Member
Jun 24, 2011
Sure it is. The sabbath is part of Gods law.

ROMANS 7 [14] For we know that THE LAW IS SPIRITUAL: but I am carnal, sold under sin.
Yes. The law is spiritual but your understanding of it isn't.

A spiritual law cannot be fulfilled by carnal means.

That's why Proverbs warns you not to lean unto your own understanding but to trust in the Lord with all your heart.


Senior Member
Jun 24, 2011
Thats another thing. I cant imagine standing before the Lord and saying "save me Lord" im an illegalist i did nothing you commanded me to do.
Luke 18:13-14
13 And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner.

14 I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.

Shouldn't be too hard to imagine.

Matthew 5:48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2013
Sure it is. The sabbath is part of Gods law.

ROMANS 7 [14] For we know that THE LAW IS SPIRITUAL: but I am carnal, sold under sin.
it is, more accurately, part of the law of the Sinai covenant, which is not the covenant Christ made with us. it is, specifically, per Exodus 20:12, a sign between God and Israel that God is the One who sanctifies, and per Exodus 20:11, signifying that He completed the work of creation, that it is very good in His eyes, and that He is refreshed it it.

yes, as Romans informs us, the law is spiritual -- and we don't keep any of the other things the law says about sabbath, like the required sacrifices, or the required oblations, or the required stoning of whoever breaks it, because we say, these things are 'taken away' -- no problem deleting jots or tittles eh? -- and we say, they are become spiritually discerned.

should we not likewise spiritually discern the command 'rest' ?

Colossians 2:15-17 very clearly informs us the commands in the law regarding sabbath, new moon, and feasts, are shadows of the reality now revealed in Christ. if we truly have come to knowledge of this Lord and Savior who is the substance of those things typified by the law, should we not keep that substance, and, as scripture commands, let no man judge us over the physical observation of those precursors given in the law of the old covenant?


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2013
Thats another thing. I cant imagine standing before the Lord and saying "save me Lord" im an illegalist i did nothing you commanded me to do.
if you are sincere in this should you not offer the double daily sacrifices commanded in the law as the keeping of sabbath, and by your own hand together with the hands of the whole congregation put to death every offender?
is it not hypocrisy to say, '
i do this because i must keep the commands of the law and must not ignore them' and then proceed ignore most of the actual things the law says are the actual observation of it?

but the law is spiritual, and spiritual things are spiritually discerned. we do not serve in the old way of the written code, even as we are not made partakers by a circumcision made by human hands.


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2013
The early Church seems to have began meeting on the first day of the week. The day of rest seems to have moved to Sunday along with it. We still rest every seventh day. Are you saying that some Christian do not keep any day as a day of rest, or do you just mean that they don't do it on Saturday?

Acts 20:7 And upon the first [day] of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow; and continued his speech until midnight.
meeting together isn't the same as 'keeping a day of rest'

they met on what they call '
the Lord's day' -- they did not ever call it 'the revised sabbath' or 'the Christian sabbath' as is so pervasively, and wrongfully taught in the present times.

the 1st of the week is the 8th day. the symbolism and typology of the 8th day in scripture is an entirely different thing than the 7th day. it is the day of circumcision ((Leviticus 12)). it is the day of the appearing of the glory of the LORD ((Leviticus 9)) and the beginning of the ministration of the priests. it is the completion of cleansing and sanctification and the beginning of fellowship with God ((Ezekiel 43)).


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2013
day 8

what do you do after you have found rest?

what does God do on the 8th day?


Senior Member
Jun 17, 2017
That's just wishful thinking coming from a legalist who WANTS to excuse their work at the law.

What are you 12? That is just a shallow attack and post that does not even address the factual points given in the post you responded to.
I don't know what is worse. Your non Christian responses or the fact that three or so people who profess Christ patted you on the back for it.
The fact that your so called friends here who are suppose to be Christians continue to see your non Christian responses and do not recognize it and rebuke you for it, but pat you on the back is quite telling of their spiritual depravity also.

Address the points of the post or move on please.
Two rests being spoken of in Hebrews. The Gospel rest and the Sabbath.

Heb 4:9 Therefore a Sabbath-rest is left for the people of God.
Heb 4:10 For* he who is entered into his rest (the Gospel) has himself also ceased from his works, as God did from his.

What works did God cease from? That is answered earlier within the same context.

Heb 4:4 For he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest the seventh day from all his works.
Heb 4:5 And in this place again (He speaks), If they shall enter into my rest (the Gospel).


Senior Member
Mar 13, 2013
Believers in Christ are never commanded to obey the Old Testament Sabbath laws. In contrast, Paul says to the Galatians, "You observe days and months and seasons and years. I fear for you, that perhaps I have laboured over you in vain" (Gal. 4: 10-11).
Just one more wrongly translated anti sabbath scripture which holds no water

GAL.4 [8] Howbeit then, when ye knew not God, ye did service unto them which by nature are no gods.[9] But now, after that ye have known God, or rather are known of God, how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements, whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage? [10] YE OBSERVE DAYS, AND MONTHS, AND TIMES, AND YEARS.[11] I am afraid of you, lest I have bestowed upon you labour in vain.

Galatians 4 says nothing about sabbaths or feast days. Its speaking of those who observe times.

DEUT.18 [9] When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations.[10] There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, OR AN OBSERVER OF TIMES, or an enchanter, or a witch,[11] Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer.

The same thing goes on to this very day. Its speaking of the occult. Those who observe certain days by use of horoscopes?

2 CHR.33 [3] For he built again the high places which Hezekiah his father had broken down, and he reared up altars for Baalim, and made groves, and worshipped all the host of heaven, and served them.[4] Also he built altars in the house of the LORD, whereof the LORD had said, In Jerusalem shall my name be for ever.[5] And he built altars for all the host of heaven in the two courts of the house of the LORD.[6] And he caused his children to pass through the fire in the valley of the son of Hinnom: ALSO HE OBSERVED TIMES, and used enchantments, and used witchcraft, and dealt with a familiar spirit, and with wizards: he wrought much evil in the sight of the LORD, to provoke him to anger

Enchantments, witchcraft, familiar spirits, and wizards. Its speaking of the occult. Not following sabbath days.

LEV.19 [26] Ye shall not eat any thing with the blood: neither shall ye use enchantment, NOR OBSERVE TIMES.[27] Ye shall not round the corners of your heads, neither shalt thou mar the corners of thy beard.[28] Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.[29] Do not prostitute thy daughter, to cause her to be a whore; lest the land fall to whoredom, and the land become full of wickedness.[30] YE SHALL KEEP MY SABBATHS, and reverence my sanctuary: I am the LORD.

I guess this scripture says it all. You shall not observe times BUT you will keep my sabbaths. Just the opposite of what the anti sabbath people claim


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2013
Nothing. There is no 8th.
Further, He says to them, “Your new moons and your Sabbath I cannot endure.” Ye perceive how He speaks: Your present Sabbaths are not acceptable to Me, but that is which I have made, [namely this,] when, giving rest to all things, I shall make a beginning of the eighth day, that is, a beginning of another world. Wherefore, also, we keep the eighth day with joyfulness, the day also on which Jesus rose again from the dead. And when He had manifested Himself, He ascended into the heavens.
The Epistle of Barnabas Chapter XV.—The false and the true Sabbath. [A.D. 74].


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2013
Nothing. There is no 8th.
Let him who contends that the Sabbath is still to be observed as a balm of salvation, and circumcision on the eighth day . . . teach us that, for the time past, righteous men kept the Sabbath or practiced circumcision, and were thus rendered ‘friends of God.’ For if circumcision purges a man, since God made Adam uncircumcised, why did he not circumcise him, even after his sinning, if circumcision purges? . . . Therefore, since God originated Adam uncircumcised and unobservant of the Sabbath, consequently his offspring also, Abel, offering him sacrifices, uncircumcised and unobservant of the Sabbath, was by him [God] commended [Gen. 4:1–7, Heb. 11:4]. . . . Noah also, uncircumcised—yes, and unobservant of the Sabbath—God freed from the deluge. For Enoch too, most righteous man, uncircumcised and unobservant of the Sabbath, he translated from this world, who did not first taste death in order that, being a candidate for eternal life, he might show us that we also may, without the burden of the law of Moses, please God”
Tertullian - An Answer to the Jews Chapter II. — The Law Anterior to Moses. [A.D. 203].


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2013
Nothing. There is no 8th.
For because the eighth day, that is, the first day after the Sabbath, was to be that on which the Lord should rise again, and should quicken us, and give us circumcision of the spirit, the eighth day, that is, the first day after the Sabbath, and the Lord’s day, went before in the figure; which figure ceased when by and by the truth came, and spiritual circumcision was given to us.
Cyprian - Epistle LVIII.2 To Fidus, on the Baptism of Infants. 4. [A.D. 253].


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2013
Nothing. There is no 8th.
For seven days you shall present an offering by fire to the LORD On the eighth day you shall have a holy convocation and present an offering by fire to the LORD; it is an assembly. You shall do no laborious work.
(Leviticus 23:36)



Senior Member
Jul 31, 2013
Nothing. There is no 8th.

He brought it about that His body rested from all its works on Sabbath in the tomb, and that His resurrection on the third day, which we call the Lord’s day, the day after the Sabbath, and therefore the eighth, proved the circumcision of the eighth day to be also prophetical of Him.
Augustine of Hippo - Reply to Faustus the Manichæan. Book XVI.-29. [Late 4th Century].


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2013
Nothing. There is no 8th.

Then the eighth day he shall bring them for his cleansing to the priest,
at the doorway of the tent of meeting, before the LORD.

(Leviticus 14:23)



Senior Member
Jul 31, 2013
Nothing. There is no 8th.
Wherefore, although the sacramental import of the 8th number, as signifying the resurrection, was by no means concealed from the holy men of old who were filled with the spirit of prophecy (for in the title of Psalms [vi. and xii.] we find the words “for the eighth,” and infants were circumcised on the eighth day; and in Ecclesiastes it is said, with allusion to the two covenants, “Give a portion to seven, and also to eight” ); nevertheless before the resurrection of the Lord, it was reserved and hidden, and the Sabbath alone was appointed to be observed, because before that event there was indeed the repose of the dead (of which the Sabbath rest was a type), but there was not any instance of the resurrection of one who, rising from the dead, was no more to die, and over whom death should no longer have dominion; this being done in order that, from the time when such a resurrection did take place in the Lord’s own body (the Head of the Church being the first to experience that which His body, the Church, expects at the end of time), the day upon which He rose, the eighth day namely (which is the same with the first of the week), should begin to be observed as the Lord’s day. The same reason enables us to understand why, in regard to the day of keeping the passover, on which the Jews were commanded to kill and eat a lamb, which was most clearly a foreshadowing of the Lord’s Passion, there was no injunction given to them that they should take the day of the week into account, waiting until the Sabbath was past, and making the beginning of the third week of the moon coincide with the beginning of the third week of the first month; the reason being, that the Lord might rather in His own Passion declare the significance of that day, as He had come also to declare the mystery of the day now known as the Lord’s day, the eighth namely, which is also the first of the week.
Augustine of Hippo - Letter LV. Or Book II. of Replies to Questions of Januarius. Chapter 8. 23 [a.d. 400.].


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2013
Are we done with childish nonsense now
good question.
when we were children we were locked up under a school-master.
we didn't know what the scripture said.
are we yet matured into sons and daughters?