I don't believe that substitutional atonement constitutes justice. It's just unnecessarily bloodthirsty. If God wanted to forgive us, why not just say it? In fact, why didn't God write the Bible in the first person and take responsibility for every word - instead of others writing about Jesus in the third person? This makes Jesus seem more mysterious and powerful like Dr Watson writing in the first person about Sherlock Holmes in the third person.
I agree. I do not believe in one understanding of substitutional atonement.
Imagine this, I say I love you. I say I really love you. And you say, yer, prove it.
So God says He is love. He says we cannot face Him, or we will die. The only way is to find Him, and learn
a walk that will finally lead us back to Him. It is complex and difficult, but possible, and God says it is worth
Sacrifice and blood is about the cost of rebellion and its consequences, death. Jesus could only show it ultimately
by letting sinful men kill Him, even though they knew He stood for love, and nothing else, totally innocent yet worthy
of death, and even possibly God the creator Himself. Do you understand how mind blowing this is? On any level we
must be in a very bad place for the Lord to have to do this to give us any chance at all.
Jesus said seeing Him doing this is our healing, it is love that changes us, makes us something different, empowers us
into eternity, into His Kingdom, into the impossible, into Holiness, purity, righteousness. So odd, so unexpected and so
powerful. So profound, to just grasp this, men died, rejoicing in His name. Love unbroken, unbowed, unstoppable, the
power of heaven, yet the ways of man oppose and want to destroy it. God made man.
Could God communicate this to us another way? I do not think so, because it had to be a society built outside
His authority, where every alternative could be taken, but if love has been planted and and taken root, then those
people will hear and come, come not just here on earth but into eternity. And those few are worth everything else,
which in eternity are a blink. And this book, the bible, a theme of thousands of people yet one thread, love and
righteousness, truth and humbleness, power shown in behaving appropriately. That is a God who I love, Amen