I originally posted this message in the New Member Intro section but a member said I should post it here. So here goes...
Colloquially speaking I am an agnostic as I don't know whether or not a god exists. Technically I am an atheist as I don't believe any god claim I have heard. Although I used to be a Christian. I was brought up in the Church of England but properly self-identified as a Christian in my twenties and believed I was saved. I had my doubts after several months as a result of speaking to atheists and ex-Christians. Some things in the Bible stopped making sense to me. Some of the Bible was immoral, some of it was inconsistent and some of it was not credible. I prayed for answers but no answers came. I now consider myself to be an ex-Christian. Every so often I like to challenge my beliefs as I think it is healthy. In that spirit I would like to ask all Christians here what do you believe and why do you believe it?
I do not believe in evolution for I believe a higher power created all things for it is the only thing that makes sense to me.
God said that the creation testifies of a higher power, and of His attributes that He is intelligent, powerful, and love, for He provided food, and the means to make clothing, and shelter, so the world is without excuse.
Which covers the 2 greatest laws, love God, and love people, which love is the fulfilling of God's law, which is how a Christian is saved, although there are many hypocrites.
But the Bible says that there would be many hypocrites at the end time, and the Lord knows them that are His that everyone that names the name of Christ depart from sin.
But in a great house there are some to honor, and some to dishonor, and if the ones to dishonor do right then they are a vessel unto honor.
But many people judge Christianity on the behavior of people, but hypocrites do not change Christianity, nor do they void it out, for it is the same no matter how people act.
And Jesus said the hypocrites do not belong to Him, and do not belong to the Church.
So I do not believe in evolution but creation testifies that a higher power created all things, which is how people that have not heard the word of God will be judged by their belief in a higher power, and their conscience, and love towards people.
But God says in the Bible to bring forth your strong reasons, and prove that your religion and god is true by showing the end from the beginning.
Which God told us the whole history of mankind, and all 7 kingdoms that would be on earth Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Roman Empire, and the next kingdom to come is the 10 horn kingdom the world split in to 10 sections with a leader in each section, which America, Mexico, and Canada will be one nation, and the arguing over the wall is probably the solution is tear down the border as well as Canada, problem solved for they are one nation now.
And then the man of sin, New Age Christ will be the 8th king when the nations are together who will deceive all people who do not love God to follow the beast kingdom, and when they take the mark of the beast, which is the microchip linked to satellite, then God can end this sin business on earth.
For God has to end this sin business on earth one day, and the book of Revelation is a warning to the world to get right with God to escape the beast kingdom to come in the future.
God warns us of the new age movement that will come out at the latter times, the last days of the last days, that have a false interpretation of the Bible based on the occult, and evolution, and believe people can still evolve to be greater, and spiritual, and Jesus is not Lord and Savior, but a good teacher, and evolved to be an ascended master and avatar, and they do not acknowledge a personal God, but honor the God of forces, or the power of nature as their higher power, and the New Age Christ is the final teacher in the evolutionary process.
The Bible says the time will come when the world will not endure the truth of the Bible but want to hear the Bible according to the new age movement when the nations come together to try to establish peace on earth.
The new age movement is the future for this sinful world, and will pave the way to the beast kingdom, where all people who do not love God will follow the New Age Christ.
The new age movement is the beginning of the end for the wicked, and it is here now.
On the back of the dollar bill, announcing the conception of a New Order of the Ages, and out of many one.
When the nations come together they will forbid to marry for a man and a woman for population reduction, and command to abstain from meats, nature worship.
Why do you think they are pushing for the acceptance of homosexuality, making people believe they are born gay, transgender, trying to drive a wedge between men and women, and took prayer out of school, and taught evolution, and pushing for being a vegan.
And many nations are in this together, but they are abiding their time.
And controlled conflict brings about controlled change.
The Pope getting along with Islam for they are stubborn, and the Arab nations will come together with the world.
There is many things to say but God told us about all that is going to happen at this time that the nations will come together and try to establish peace on earth the world being split in to 10 sections with a leader in each section, going by the new age movement unified religious system with all religions interpreted by them based on evolution, and anything taught contrary will not be tolerated, and a hate crime.
Islam clashing with the world, a terrible war for one third of the population dies mainly in the Arab nations as they pluck them up by the roots, nuclear weapons, which they do not turn to God, so He gives them the New Age Christ to rule over them and he deceives all people who do not love God, and then the world goes against all people who follow God, and have the testimony of Jesus as Lord and Savior, then the saints are gathered unto Jesus, and the He comes back with all the saints, and defeats the world, and saves Israel.
Which all Jews will be back on their land for the New Age Christ established peace in the Middle East, and the Gentile nations came together, so the Gentile nations caused all the Jews to go to Israel, and the New Age Christ wants them all there.
I do not believe in evolution for I do not believe there is any way for all things to come about that way.
And God understands the workings of physical matter, and can use it to form whatever He creates.
Also if it is evolution things would not be so organized, and complex, and if evolution means survival of the fittest, and to always go forward, and build up, not tear down, then that would be instilled in our brain, and we could not go against that.
But some people are drug addicts, smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, do not eat good, do not exercise, do crimes that could land them in jail, doing things that could hurt them, bad habits that do not build up, but tear down, which is contrary to what evolution is about.