The shape of the world has no religious importance, but I've been thinking about it for a long time, that if there is an edge of the world I would love to see it. I know the Bible says there are four corners to the earth, that it is like a circle (or round?)
, that the skies are stretched and the world is suspended over nothing and laid on a secure immovable foundation. It also says that God is looking from above and we look like tiny grasshoppers to him!
I'm sure the Bible is correct, but do all these verses really mean it should be flat or disc shaped? I want to hear what you think, hopefully I can learn from you something new.
I believe the world is round.
The Bible does say the 4 corners of the earth, but a flat circle does not have 4 corners either.
Whether it is round or flat it is a circle, because God calls it the circle of the earth.
The Bible also says from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same the name of the LORD is to be praised.
So is this a round earth where the sun goes down, and rises, for the earth spins.
On a flat earth they say the sun is always the same distance above the earth, it cannot go down or up, unless it appears that way as it comes towards us, and away from us.
But this is what I do not understand about a flat earth.
Light can only travel so far then it will have an ending point, and then darkness.
And we know it is not always day, and it is not always night, and we do not see the sun during the night time.
So there would have to be a dividing point between the light and the dark.
Since the sun would always be above the earth, and always at the same distance above the earth, then the light would chase the darkness, and the darkness would chase the light, for it is the only way it can be, because there has to be a dividing point between the light and the dark.
For it is not always light, and it is not always dark, and the sun is always the same distance above the earth no matter where it is at over the earth.
The only thing that makes sense on a flat earth where there is a dividing point between light and dark, and the light will chase the darkness, and the darkness will chase the light because of that dividing point.
Is that when it is dark in our area, and it approaches morning we would see the light coming our way, but it would still be dark in our area, and then the light would pass through our area, and then we would see the darkness going away from us until it disappears, and all we see is light.
And when it is light in our area, and it approaches night we would see the darkness coming our way, but it is still light in our area, and then the darkness would pass through our area, and we would see the light going away from us until it disappears, and all we see is darkness.
But we do not observe it this way going from light to dark, and dark to light.
The way we observe it only makes sense on a round earth.
For when it is dark in our area, and it approaches morning when the sun comes up over the horizon boom, then it is light, and when it is light in our area, and it approaches night when the sun goes down over the horizon boom, then it is dark.
We do not observe the light chasing the dark, and the dark chasing the light, which we would observe on a flat earth, for there can be no other way, for the sun is the same distance over the earth at all areas, and does not go up or down.