I am a new Christian, and I attend a very large church. When I go to church, I feel invigorated, cleansed, refreshed, renewed, alive, in awe and filled with gratitude. Some sundays the sermon might fall flat, and I’m trying hard to understand my new faith, my church and how to bring what I’m learning into my life.
It’s all very confusing for me in so many ways... I have a very busy life with children and a full time job. I’m still trying to understand what it means to make god your first priority in your life.
My husband tells me that one of the greeters told us early on that, “it’s a nice place, but just don’t drink the kool-aid”. This was said in jest partially, but obviously this person meant something by it.
I attended a Wednesday service and it was dramatically different from the typical Sunday stuff. I was very early on in my bible readings so a lot of the in-depth references went straight over my head.
Then the head pastor started talking about demons and levitations and how the supernatural world he has been pastoring in has been a “wild trip”.
I was shocked... all the overwhelming positive feelings I had been having went down considerably... I went to different members of the church to seek understanding and I felt a little better but I still feel a little confused about it. Especially after my husband had a lengthy conversation with a former 25 year church member.
He asked her if she had ever seen a levitation and she laughed and said no.
My church teaches about speaking in tongues and I still have not gotten any further clarification about this.
They teach to fake jibberish and they call it speaking in tongues. They talk about it as being a gift that all people who are baptized should receive - but the bible doesn’t teach this at all! In fact there’s a whole chapter dedicated to how it’s a gift that some few people may receive and there should be a person present who can translate what is being said.
My church is teaching that tongues is a language only god can understand and therefore praying in “tongues” (jibberish) will bring you closer to god.
This woman that spoke to my husband said that the church is like a cult...
Should I be careful? Should I keep attending? Should I attend a different church? I don’t quite know what I’m looking for I just know that I want Gods truth, help understanding it, and a level headed approach on how to balance this world that I live in with the spiritual one.
It’s all very confusing for me in so many ways... I have a very busy life with children and a full time job. I’m still trying to understand what it means to make god your first priority in your life.
My husband tells me that one of the greeters told us early on that, “it’s a nice place, but just don’t drink the kool-aid”. This was said in jest partially, but obviously this person meant something by it.
I attended a Wednesday service and it was dramatically different from the typical Sunday stuff. I was very early on in my bible readings so a lot of the in-depth references went straight over my head.
Then the head pastor started talking about demons and levitations and how the supernatural world he has been pastoring in has been a “wild trip”.
I was shocked... all the overwhelming positive feelings I had been having went down considerably... I went to different members of the church to seek understanding and I felt a little better but I still feel a little confused about it. Especially after my husband had a lengthy conversation with a former 25 year church member.
He asked her if she had ever seen a levitation and she laughed and said no.
My church teaches about speaking in tongues and I still have not gotten any further clarification about this.
They teach to fake jibberish and they call it speaking in tongues. They talk about it as being a gift that all people who are baptized should receive - but the bible doesn’t teach this at all! In fact there’s a whole chapter dedicated to how it’s a gift that some few people may receive and there should be a person present who can translate what is being said.
My church is teaching that tongues is a language only god can understand and therefore praying in “tongues” (jibberish) will bring you closer to god.
This woman that spoke to my husband said that the church is like a cult...
Should I be careful? Should I keep attending? Should I attend a different church? I don’t quite know what I’m looking for I just know that I want Gods truth, help understanding it, and a level headed approach on how to balance this world that I live in with the spiritual one.
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