Remember the saved in sin crowd's trick is to say you have to believe but you cant say repentance is required because saying what Jesus and Paul says is works salvation. So its just believe in Jesus and try not to sin or you'll get chastened, but if you commit adultery occasionally its okay, David did it and he was still saved. You can never out sin God's grace after all......... and we sit here wondering why Christianity is at the state that it is when this trash is preached?
1 Cor 6:9-10, Gal 5:19-21, Eph 5:3-6 are explained away or ignored by the go and sin some more crowd. "Jesus paid it all, so you can sin some more"
Sending multitudes to the pits, unfortunately this NEW osas doctrine didnt even exist until lazy comfort loving american rich pastors and theologians got their greasy hands on the Gospel. They twisted it from repentance faith holy living to saved in sins continue in sins make a breakthrough maybe McDonalds christianity.
Unheard of in church history, for a good reason.