Hmmmm happy with who I am, that almost requires defining how to define who I am first, but to spare everyone a lot of inept philosophical ramblings.
I have a good stable job that pays me enough to currently have all of my meager needs and most of my meager wants - this reduces my overall stress levels and any financial difficulties I have are due mostly to being ill at ease spending money I have rather than not having money to spend.
I like to think that I have pretty solid character and values and I know most people who interact with me would say the same - that produces a good, contented feeling.
I'd like to lose 1/3 to 1/2 my weight and the pursuit of that produces a lot of conflict in me ( because I both want unhealthy food and the results of healthy eating and you can't eat your cake and lose weight too).
I'm also realizing that in the face of difficulty or trouble some people act out and some people check out. I tend to be one who checks out and I don't think it's that consistent with my faith to be checking out of real life into fictional stories (in my head, on TV, in books, etc.). Not that I'll ever quit reading, but I want to read for inspiration and insight, not just to pass time and live vicariously rather than actually live my life.
The blessings of God have also made it difficult for me to relate to a lot of struggles that are common to modern people both in and out of the church. That's a confusing place to be because you don't want to be ungrateful or wish for bad things to happen to you so you fit in, but I can feel very isolated from people because our lives just don't seem to connect much at all.
And I'd really like to have the gumption and energy to do all those things that I think I ought to do some day and want the benefits of doing.
Ok so that's my ramblings, now someone tell me who I am and if I'm happy with who I am please.