You've become an expert at misunderstanding and misapplying Scriptures. So to clear the air about God's foreknowledge -- THAT HE KNOWS THE END FROM THE BEGINNING -- let's address the Scriptures you have posted and put things in perspective.
1. Ps 53:2-3, Isa 64:6, etc. are all confirmation that all human beings are separated from God, and without the Gospel all would be lost. As Scripture says, the whole world is guilty before God.
2. God also saw in His divine foreknowledge that Christ -- the Lamb of God -- would die for the sins of the whole world.
3. God also saw in His divine foreknowledge that when the Gospel was preached, many would repent and be converted (as seen in Acts 2).
4. Therefore God could also elect or predestine (in His divine foreknowledge) those who would believe "to be conformed to the image of His Son" (1 Pet 1:2; Rom 8:29,30)
As you can see, this is not rocket science. As to the misuse of 1 Cor 2:14, that applies to "the deep things of God" -- everything which comes after a person is born again and understands spiritual things. It does not apply to the simple Gospel which says "You are a sinner and Christ died for your sins. Therefore repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ". See Acts 16:30,31.