1. Jesus walked through walls, or atleast He suddenly stood inside the room, so why did an angel have to take away the grave stone? And even if He couldnt walk through a stone, He could walk on water, raise the dead, change water into wine and calm the storm, but needed help with the stone?
Jesus was not in a glorified body yet, but when He rose He was in the flesh, and also angels minister, and help those that shall receive salvation, which the man Christ Jesus was one of them.
God could of caused the man Christ Jesus to remove the stone like He caused Samson to beat 1000 Philistines with the jawbone of a donkey.
But it would be the Spirit of the Lord that would cause the man Christ Jesus to remove the stone, so Jesus was not coming out of the tomb by His own power according to the flesh.
So whether God removes the stone, or God gives strength to the man Christ Jesus to remove the stone, which it would still be God that did it, or an angel that removed the stone, the man Christ Jesus was still not coming out of the tomb by His own power according to the flesh alone.
Jesus walked on water, healed people, calmed the storm, and many great things, but it was not the flesh that did it, but the Spirit of God that caused it to happen.
And the man Christ Jesus is not a wizard, and nothing came from within the man Christ Jesus to do the miracles, for a lightening bolt did not come forth from Him, or a magical wand, but when Jesus did the miracles it was the Spirit from without Him that did the miracles.
For the Lord is that Spirit, which Jesus said He is on earth, and in heaven at the same time, for He is bigger than that human manifestation that He appeared in back then.
For Jesus is God manifest in the flesh which means that God manifest all His attributes to the man Christ Jesus, and the Spirit in Christ is still connected to the omnipresent Spirit of God for He cannot be separated.
And the man Christ Jesus does not have His own Spirit that moves around with Him, for there cannot be a double portion of the Spirit in one place, and an empty space where the Spirit is not at, but Jesus moves through the Spirit, and wherever He is at the Spirit is there, so He always has the Spirit.
For the Spirit does not have to move for the Spirit is already there.
Which helps to understand how Jesus can be an omnipresent Spirit, but be God manifest in the flesh.
The saints do not have their own personal Spirit that moves around with them, but they move through the Spirit, and wherever they are at the Spirit is there.
The angel removed the stone because the man Christ Jesus under His own power according to the flesh could not do it, and whether God moved it, or God caused the man Christ Jesus to move it which would still be the power of God, or an angel moved it, the stone still could not be moved by the power of the man Christ Jesus according to the flesh alone.
And the Bible says it was a great stone, which is why an angel had to move it.
Jesus did His miracles by the Spirit, not by the flesh, so the flesh could not move the stone, and angels assist in the salvation of the saints, which the man Christ Jesus is one of them, that is why angels ministered to Him, for they sure did not need to minister to Him, and assist Him according to His deity.