Why didn't the Jews accept Jesus?
He didn't present to them in a way that the Jews thought he would/should.
Their beliefs and traditions blinded them.
Now, this is an entry into my point and I don't want this thread to be hijacked to talk about the Jews...but my point is this:
Briefly, you've got the story of Jesus, then you've got the surrounding religious traditions and dogma that is built on the story by humans.
Such dogma of behaviours that I've witnessed include:
a. "I don't drink tea or coffee because of the Bible"
b. "I don't believe that life could exist elsewhere because of the Bible"
c. "I don't mind scary films, but I choose not to watch them because doing so gives glory to Satan"
d. "I believe the world is of the order of 5,000 years old"
I'll think of I've heard any more.
Anybody else see or heard of any silly beliefs of traditions.?
My grandpa and grandma were very strict Catholics, and my dad went to a Catholic school.
My dad is left handed so my grandma tried to make him right handed, which being left handed years ago was associated with stubborness, and criminality, which my grandma told my mom that out of all her kids my dad was the most rebellious.
So my dad was labeled as something wrong with him because he is left handed, because my grandma is such a stubborn, strict Catholic, and when she was dying she told one of her other children to tell my dad she was sorry for not loving him.
But it bothered my dad for years for he thought his parents did not love him, and he even confronted them about it.
I never thought anything about the left hand, and my dad told me for the first time about it about 3 months ago, but I was talking to a friend and he said they call it the devil's hand.
That is weird the superstitions that people have concerning things, but the Bible says all people have a chance to be saved, and does not separate left hand from right hand, or mention of it in the Bible.
But my grandma can say what she will, but I wish I would of told her, but my dad came from you so what does that say about you for bearing the child with the devil's hand.
Why don't they ever think about that.
But what is funny is my grandparents had 9 children, and none of them have biblical names, but my dad which is Paul Matthew, but he was considered the most rebellious, and even to this day he is not religious, and does not go to Church, although he learned the Catholic way.
But my dad was not very strict, and not abusive for he did not want to be like his mother, but my grandpa was always laid back.
And my dad said it was my grandma who wore the pants in the family, and it reminds me of the James Dean movie, Rebel without a cause, where he tells his dad to stick up to his mother, for she appeared to wear the pants in that family.