DID YOU FORGET WHAT YOU ARE!! Let’s have a discussion without scripture posting...let us see, from each other, what the scripture has done in our hearts....I will start with this:
YOU, are nothing!! You fall SHORT of everything!! YOU are self righteous!! You are vain!! You are envy!! You are judge mental, YOU are stuck on YOURSELF! YOU are worthless!! GOD REPENTENED OF YOU!! YOU ARE NOT WORTH 2 CENTS!! NEVER WILL BE IN THIS WORLD!!YOU ARE PATHETIC!! YOU WONT be able to look your savior in the eye!! You will feel shame!!
But yet, you have all have the answers? You are right, and your opposition is a heretic? Have you heard yourselves?? Yes!! Me too!!!
Paul would have come into these wooden churches with a SLEDGE HAMMER!! The body of Christ is under attack and most of what I see is VOID!!! Of LOVE!! Is that what the body of Christ has become!!! Shame on EVERYONE...I did not fall to my knees and give my life over to my savior to be join THIS falling away!!!WE are all liars!! envious!! adulterers!! Not ONE of us is GOOD, yet you act like the scholars you “QUOTE” have been given MORE than you!! You fall to the feet of what OTHERS have accomplished and leave the forever REVEALING WISDOM of scripture “UP TO YOUR PASTOR WHO CANT WAIT TO BOAST ABOUT HIS SEMINARY SCHOOL DEGREE!! As IF he was given something more than you!! Your pastors are liars with the rest of us!!!All you have is your Bible!! There is no mediator between you and God, but the SON...ARE YOU telling me that you are not aware of the corruption!! that I know!!that you have seen in the churches alll over this country!!?? Do you think that because you have found a pastor, that HIDES his sin better than you, that he is anything LESS than a liar? A thief? A hypocrite!!!!! MAKE EVERY MAN A LIAR!! Get out of your DOCTRINE!!, OPEN your bibles for the first time with eyes like a child!! STOP being lead like SHEEP to the slaughter!! KNOW ALL OF THIS BEFORE you sit down in your local church and get force fed something CONTRARY to what Christ taught!! ALL I SEE IS a bunch of self absorbed MEN, choking on scripture!! MOST of which was interpreted by SOMEONE ELSE!! IF YOU CAN FIND A PASTOR, THAT PREACHES THiS MESSAGE, ILL BE ThE first person in Church Sunday morning!!!
STOP PUSHING YOUR brethren away from Christ, because you heard through the grape vine, that brother Jim was seen at a bar the other night.....he must not be saved!!! Let’s WARN HIM TWICE then outcast him!!! Cause Sister Susan saw his TRUCK, better yet!! When he comes into church next week, we will have the pastor REBUKE him, while the Pastor and other members have a LOG the size of the TITANIC in their eye!!! HYPPOCRITS!! Workers of Iniquity!!! YOU NEVER KNEW HIM!!!YOU NEVER ACCEPTED THE CROSS!!! YOU STILL PREACH CONDEMNATION FROM SIN!! NOONE WILL BE jUDGED FOR SIN!! What does that tell you????IF thIs is YOU, and I know there are MANY!! Shame on you!!!
FORGET telling him that he is NO LONgER Under the jurisdiction of SIN....IT IS GONE PEOPLE!! STOP USING REPENTANCE AGAINst your brother!! You HYPOCRITES!!! HOW could you even consider answering for that, you will not even be able LOOK UP at his FACE!! Your humbleness and meekness should be obvious here, and in your life!!
YOU are secure the moment you believe!!!! It is not up to any of YOU to THINK you have anything to do with the INCREASE!!!!!!, wether through treating your brethren as a non believer, or rebuking him because of what sister Tina said.....because sister Tina is quite the political figure...she’s very social and attends every service!!!.....she can judge!!! Right??? IM TAking a BReAK!!
YOU, are nothing!! You fall SHORT of everything!! YOU are self righteous!! You are vain!! You are envy!! You are judge mental, YOU are stuck on YOURSELF! YOU are worthless!! GOD REPENTENED OF YOU!! YOU ARE NOT WORTH 2 CENTS!! NEVER WILL BE IN THIS WORLD!!YOU ARE PATHETIC!! YOU WONT be able to look your savior in the eye!! You will feel shame!!
But yet, you have all have the answers? You are right, and your opposition is a heretic? Have you heard yourselves?? Yes!! Me too!!!
Paul would have come into these wooden churches with a SLEDGE HAMMER!! The body of Christ is under attack and most of what I see is VOID!!! Of LOVE!! Is that what the body of Christ has become!!! Shame on EVERYONE...I did not fall to my knees and give my life over to my savior to be join THIS falling away!!!WE are all liars!! envious!! adulterers!! Not ONE of us is GOOD, yet you act like the scholars you “QUOTE” have been given MORE than you!! You fall to the feet of what OTHERS have accomplished and leave the forever REVEALING WISDOM of scripture “UP TO YOUR PASTOR WHO CANT WAIT TO BOAST ABOUT HIS SEMINARY SCHOOL DEGREE!! As IF he was given something more than you!! Your pastors are liars with the rest of us!!!All you have is your Bible!! There is no mediator between you and God, but the SON...ARE YOU telling me that you are not aware of the corruption!! that I know!!that you have seen in the churches alll over this country!!?? Do you think that because you have found a pastor, that HIDES his sin better than you, that he is anything LESS than a liar? A thief? A hypocrite!!!!! MAKE EVERY MAN A LIAR!! Get out of your DOCTRINE!!, OPEN your bibles for the first time with eyes like a child!! STOP being lead like SHEEP to the slaughter!! KNOW ALL OF THIS BEFORE you sit down in your local church and get force fed something CONTRARY to what Christ taught!! ALL I SEE IS a bunch of self absorbed MEN, choking on scripture!! MOST of which was interpreted by SOMEONE ELSE!! IF YOU CAN FIND A PASTOR, THAT PREACHES THiS MESSAGE, ILL BE ThE first person in Church Sunday morning!!!
STOP PUSHING YOUR brethren away from Christ, because you heard through the grape vine, that brother Jim was seen at a bar the other night.....he must not be saved!!! Let’s WARN HIM TWICE then outcast him!!! Cause Sister Susan saw his TRUCK, better yet!! When he comes into church next week, we will have the pastor REBUKE him, while the Pastor and other members have a LOG the size of the TITANIC in their eye!!! HYPPOCRITS!! Workers of Iniquity!!! YOU NEVER KNEW HIM!!!YOU NEVER ACCEPTED THE CROSS!!! YOU STILL PREACH CONDEMNATION FROM SIN!! NOONE WILL BE jUDGED FOR SIN!! What does that tell you????IF thIs is YOU, and I know there are MANY!! Shame on you!!!
FORGET telling him that he is NO LONgER Under the jurisdiction of SIN....IT IS GONE PEOPLE!! STOP USING REPENTANCE AGAINst your brother!! You HYPOCRITES!!! HOW could you even consider answering for that, you will not even be able LOOK UP at his FACE!! Your humbleness and meekness should be obvious here, and in your life!!
YOU are secure the moment you believe!!!! It is not up to any of YOU to THINK you have anything to do with the INCREASE!!!!!!, wether through treating your brethren as a non believer, or rebuking him because of what sister Tina said.....because sister Tina is quite the political figure...she’s very social and attends every service!!!.....she can judge!!! Right??? IM TAking a BReAK!!
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