Let.s say you have a son..and he did something terible, hurt someone or broke something...you as a parent, would you send him to burn in hell for eternity because of that?...i guess not, cause he's your son and you love him...so i ask you..how could God punish people with an eternity in hell because of their sins...God, who is pure love...he could to that? Isn.t that a little cruel?
Actually God didn’t want to punish us, instead He chose to lay
the punishment for us onto His own son Jesus.
Now imagine you had committed murder you were sentenced
to the electric chair by a judge. Someone then volunteered to take your place so you
could go free. But instead you refused to believe them.
So instead you continued that long walk down to the electric chair
and climbed onto the chair yourself.
Now who is responsible for your death, the judge or yourself.
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