I was wondering when the workers for, Pharisees and Cainologists were going to come out with their own bible......notice the following possible embellishments based upon what they believe and their their own words....
For by self effort have you been saved through works, and that of yourselves, it is a debt owed and of works so that any man may boast
For by works of righteousness which we have done, and not according to his mercy has he saved us
For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever works for him, should not perish, but have everlasting life as long as he keeps working.
He that worketh for the SON is having eternal life as long as he keeps working
He that works for the Son is not condemned, but is having everlasting life as long as he does many wonderful works
*DISCLAIMER* The above representations are not found in scripture and are the exact opposite of what the bible teaches and quite possibly represent the views of those who believe we must embellish faith with works to gain and or keep salvation/eternal life.