Hey peeps.. Got a lot to ketchup on and i am not doing that... wrote my last exam yesterday... now waiting for my admission letter. Yesterday, i learned a lot about myself... I was as scared and panicky as hell, I'm sure everyone goes to the toilet in the morning, i did that so i wouldn't needt o when i got to my exam centre.. Turns out part of my anxiety was open system... I had to do the number 2 when i got there, worse part was we couldn't find where to park so my mum, sis and i got out of the car and searched for places for my s dad to park..... My tummy was aching like hell, couldn't find a restaurant in the whole area to use their toilet... we searched... Oh man, we searched, every meaning of the word... I was so desperate that i did it in a gutter hidden by an abandoned long vehicle, The tall ones... After that no. 2 we found a place to park but it was on the other side of the road... anyways... some minutes after i did the deed, lol, I had to number 2 again.... I woke up 4:30 am and because of my anxiety issues.. I didn't eat till i was done with the exam which was around late 1 or early 2.... I figured if i did the deed again i was gonna end up with another urge to you know what, lol... When i don't eat for a long time my moth stinks like hell... I was alone among the crowd of strangers there till i met this girl, alone like me, quiet like me.... i asked her what time her exam was... it was the same time as mine so we stuck together... I was scared of talking to her cuz of my breathe and i realized she could smell it cuz after i say something to her, she touched her nose in some kind of defense ways, lol...... I will neeeevvveeer ever forget that day.... Anyho, the result is out.... got me a 76% Yaaaaay