Well, I hear what you're saying Jewell, and there is certainly merit to it, but people don't become Christian, or NOT Christian because they see vigorous, and sometimes contentious debate. I'm truly sorry if my posts come off as that.
People become Christian by hearing the PURE, UNADULTERATED, GOSPEL! They can hear all sorts of 'different' gospels everywhere. I'd hope that in here they could be confident in receiving the One True Gospel.
Now I have to go sulk for awhile. Chester gave me an X! lol
Just kiddin. Chester knows I love him, as well as others that think that it's possible to lose salvation. Heck, I was in that boat a long time before it sank!
Even my Pastor, who I love dearly has yet to abandon that Titanic. I thank God, that it is JESUS that keeps them saved as well as me.