Do you have an answer to this statement made by an atheist

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Senior Member
Aug 22, 2016
An atheist scientist made this statement. Could you give an answer to this atheist as though you are talking to him (not a fellow christian) being persuasive in your belief and not argumentative...
Here is the statement:
"Every description I've heard holds God to be all powerful and all good. And then I look around and I see a tsunami that killed a quarter million people in Indonesia. An earthquake that killed a quarter million people in Haiti. And I see earthquakes and tornadoes and disease, childhood Leukemia. And I see all of this and I say I do not see evidence of both of those being true simultaneously. If there is a God, the God is either not all powerful, or not all good. It can't be both."
Atheism is simply another religion that people believe in. So SAD!


Senior Member
Aug 12, 2016
This argument is called "the problem of evil", and it's so well-worn and common that it even goes by the theological name of "theodicy."

There are probably hundreds of books and youtube videos covering this topic perfectly well.

If your atheist scientist wanted an answer, he could go read a dozen books by top christian academics and philosophers... but he doesn't want an answer... he just wants to yank your chain.
This answer is important that it needs to be bumped for prominence!
Jun 5, 2017
An atheist scientist made this statement. Could you give an answer to this atheist as though you are talking to him (not a fellow christian) being persuasive in your belief and not argumentative...
Here is the statement:
"Every description I've heard holds God to be all powerful and all good. And then I look around and I see a tsunami that killed a quarter million people in Indonesia. An earthquake that killed a quarter million people in Haiti. And I see earthquakes and tornadoes and disease, childhood Leukemia. And I see all of this and I say I do not see evidence of both of those being true simultaneously. If there is a God, the God is either not all powerful, or not all good. It can't be both."
Good opportunity to share the Gospel....through the Word letting them know these things were foretold many years ago....

"And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places (and its going to get worse) All these are the beginning of sorrows." (Matt 24:3-8).

So many more texts from here... but that will do for now

God bless you


Senior Member
Sep 11, 2015
An atheist scientist made this statement. Could you give an answer to this atheist as though you are talking to him (not a fellow christian) being persuasive in your belief and not argumentative...
Here is the statement:
"Every description I've heard holds God to be all powerful and all good. And then I look around and I see a tsunami that killed a quarter million people in Indonesia. An earthquake that killed a quarter million people in Haiti. And I see earthquakes and tornadoes and disease, childhood Leukemia. And I see all of this and I say I do not see evidence of both of those being true simultaneously. If there is a God, the God is either not all powerful, or not all good. It can't be both."
You'll notice with these wicked people that no matter how much you teach them, how much you explain, quote and give logical arguments to back up your points, they'll simply move the goal posts. They've already decided to bear false witness against God.

My ex-friend is an atheist, and when I became a Christian he got angry and started slandering God saying He ordered 'those babies to be murdered', he was referring to king Herod killing babies.

Good God punishes wickedness. Why wouldn't He?

Jeremiah 5:9

Shall I not visit for these things? saith the Lord: and shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this?
May 18, 2017
...If there is a God, the God is either not all powerful, or not all good. It can't be both.
He is good. His goodness is described as: abundant (Ex. 34:6), great (Ps. 31:19), enduring (Ps. 52:1), satisfying (Ps. 65:4) and universal (Ps. 145:9). Thomas Nelson Publishers. (1996). Nelson’s quick reference topical Bible index (p. 261). Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers.


Senior Member
Jul 23, 2013
I think I would start the answer and discussion from this scripture:

“Rabbi,” his disciples asked him, “why was this man born blind? Was it because of his own sins or his parents’ sins?” “It was not because of his sins or his parents’ sins,” Jesus answered. “This happened so the power of God could be seen in him. Then he spit on the ground, made mud with the saliva, and spread the mud over the blind man’s eyes. He told him, “Go wash yourself in the pool of Siloam” (Siloam means “sent”). So the man went and washed and came back seeing!
John 9:2*-‬3*, ‬6*-‬7 NLT


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2012
The truth is all powerful, yet it is neither good nor evil, it is what it is.


An atheist scientist made this statement. Could you give an answer to this atheist as though you are talking to him (not a fellow christian) being persuasive in your belief and not argumentative...
Here is the statement:
"Every description I've heard holds God to be all powerful and all good. And then I look around and I see a tsunami that killed a quarter million people in Indonesia. An earthquake that killed a quarter million people in Haiti. And I see earthquakes and tornadoes and disease, childhood Leukemia. And I see all of this and I say I do not see evidence of both of those being true simultaneously. If there is a God, the God is either not all powerful, or not all good. It can't be both."
In the beginning everything was perfect till Adam sinned..... When Sodom and Gomorrah sinned there was a flood... As long as sinners do not reconcile back with God through Jesus unfortunate events would continue to happen to them


An atheist scientist made this statement. Could you give an answer to this atheist as though you are talking to him (not a fellow christian) being persuasive in your belief and not argumentative...
Here is the statement:
"Every description I've heard holds God to be all powerful and all good. And then I look around and I see a tsunami that killed a quarter million people in Indonesia. An earthquake that killed a quarter million people in Haiti. And I see earthquakes and tornadoes and disease, childhood Leukemia. And I see all of this and I say I do not see evidence of both of those being true simultaneously. If there is a God, the God is either not all powerful, or not all good. It can't be both."
This is not Gods kingdom. God is not doing it. Satan is.
Mar 28, 2016
Just ask a atheist where do they get their religious faith from? Christ call it a forward nation, natural unconverted man( no faith).

In the end of the matter its just use he imagination of ones hard heart .The sky is the limit just believe something. Can't find God who has no form (DNA) under a microscope God simply sends them a strong delusion so they can continue to beleive the lie

2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.


Senior Member
Dec 18, 2017
An atheist scientist made this statement. Could you give an answer to this atheist as though you are talking to him (not a fellow christian) being persuasive in your belief and not argumentative...
Here is the statement:
"Every description I've heard holds God to be all powerful and all good. And then I look around and I see a tsunami that killed a quarter million people in Indonesia. An earthquake that killed a quarter million people in Haiti. And I see earthquakes and tornadoes and disease, childhood Leukemia. And I see all of this and I say I do not see evidence of both of those being true simultaneously. If there is a God, the God is either not all powerful, or not all good. It can't be both."


Where in scriptures does G-d tell us that we WILL NOT suffer under tribulations while on this earth?
Apr 15, 2017
An atheist scientist made this statement. Could you give an answer to this atheist as though you are talking to him (not a fellow christian) being persuasive in your belief and not argumentative...
Here is the statement:
"Every description I've heard holds God to be all powerful and all good. And then I look around and I see a tsunami that killed a quarter million people in Indonesia. An earthquake that killed a quarter million people in Haiti. And I see earthquakes and tornadoes and disease, childhood Leukemia. And I see all of this and I say I do not see evidence of both of those being true simultaneously. If there is a God, the God is either not all powerful, or not all good. It can't be both."
God gave us a choice, because His kingdom is love to choose that kingdom, and people make bad choices, so problems can happen.

Because of the sin nature of people bad things can happen, but it does not matter what goes on in this world people can always cry out to God.

If people are on God's side, they are on His side, and if not then they are not on His side, and the world will go on as it goes on with its good and bad.

God allows things to run its natural course for the most part unless there is a specific plan already planned out from Him, and will protect the saints from harm if He wants that to happen, but what can the world receive that is sinful, and hateful, selfish, and arrogant, and self exalting, so the world will have to deal with the world that they caused to exist in that condition of the bad things that happen.

Which the next plan is to allow the world to have their way, and cause all people that do not love Him to follow a kingdom that acknowledges no God, based on evolution, and people can still evolve, and then God will end this sin business on earth.

I would not blame God for anything but the sin condition of people that brings upon the evil that goes on in the world, and the more sinful the world, the worse it gets in natural disasters, and the earth spewing out natural disasters.

Do not blame God when you want to deny Him, and then cry why does He not work among the world when you deny Him so that He cannot work among you.

God is all powerful, but He gave us a choice, so how can He work among them that choose not the good, and do not choose Him, and He is all good, but the same thing how can He work among the evil if they do not follow Him, and choose not the good.

The world is based on selfishness, and arrogance, and self exaltation, and it is worse now than years ago, so the world will have to deal with the problems because they choose the evil, and not the good, and stop putting blame on God, or saying God is not all powerful, or not all good.

Like they say, you made your bed, now sleep in it.

And sin separates us from God.

God said if a nation which is called by My name shall humble themselves, and do right, I will hear and heal the land, so let the world come together in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and do what is right, and obey His teachings, and then let us see if there is problems then, for problems be gone now.

Now they have an interpretation of the Bible based on evolution, and people can still evolve, and the powers that be want to establish evolution as standard religion in the world, and to produce the New Age Christ, so when He appears He will cause them to evolve to be greater.

And guess what, no come on guess, it will be the worse kingdom on earth, and will take out everybody that opposes their kingdom, which the nations will be together and acknowledge no God.

And Paul said evil men shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.

And Jesus said since iniquity shall abound the love of many shall wax cold.

And the last generation shall curse their father, and not bless their mother, and be pure in their own eyes, but not washed from their filthiness, and highly selfish, and highly arrogant, and highly self exalting, and will devour the poor from off the earth, and the needy from among men, which they will heap money to themselves and not care about the poor and needy.

And looky today folks, and what do we have, and there you have it.

So you see the pattern through the process of time the world gets worse in problems, in connection with how the world acts, which they get worse in selfishness, and arrogance, and self exaltation, as time goes on, for that is the direction that world is going, for that is what the world is based on.

Until the Bible says the transgressors are come to the full, and follow a kingdom that is the most cruel, and arrogant, and self exalting kingdom in the history of mankind.

But that is not God's fault, for that came strictly from people, and their wicked ways that caused these problems, and troubles, on earth.

And Paul said when the world comes together and say Peace and safety in the future as all the nations are together as one trying to establish peace on earth, that sudden destruction comes upon them as a woman in travail with child, and they shall not escape, and that trouble is in relation to their wickedness, for God is working less in the world, and the world is exerting their self exaltation more, until they get to the beast kingdom, and then God is not working in the world at all.

You even here people say, people are not as kind, and loving, and caring, as years ago, and do you see it is the people and their wickedness why there is problems, and the earth will spew out more natural disasters, and people will hurt each other more, and more problems.

And why, because God operates in the world according to their actions, whether they are good or bad, so if they are worse today it is because God is not operating in the world like in the past, and that is according to their wickedness that is worse than in time past, and the less God works in the world, the more the devil works in the world, and when the transgressors are come to the full, then the New Age Christ will deceive all people that do not love God, and then Satan will be off his leash, and the wicked will be as wicked as they want to be with no restraint from God as He is restraining now.

As time goes on Satan gets a little more off his leash, and God operating less, because the world gets more wicked as time goes on.

But God is still in control, and Satan a defeated foe, but we have a choice, so the world will have to deal with its bad choices, and stop blaming God.


to demonstrate the magnitude of God's unconditional love in it's most extreme form. Even if people choose spiritual death, God's heart aches for them, and God love them so much that God's heart is willing to ache for them for all eternity, rather than to take away their free will, even though it break God's heart to do so.

um, that's my attempt at going for the heart
Feb 7, 2017
"Every description I've heard holds God to be all powerful and all good. And then I look around and I see a tsunami that killed a quarter million people in Indonesia. An earthquake that killed a quarter million people in Haiti. And I see earthquakes and tornadoes and disease, childhood Leukemia. And I see all of this and I say I do not see evidence of both of those being true simultaneously. If there is a God, the God is either not all powerful, or not all good. It can't be both."
If the Eternal One didn't send the deluge, this would be very bad for Noah.


Senior Member
Oct 11, 2013
Atheists and Christians have different views. This man sees the bad and determines there is no God... I see this bad and evil and determine that I need God to get me out of it.

Not sure if that could be compared to the view of a glass half full or empty?


Senior Member
Jan 13, 2018
An atheist scientist made this statement. Could you give an answer to this atheist as though you are talking to him (not a fellow christian) being persuasive in your belief and not argumentative...
Here is the statement:
"Every description I've heard holds God to be all powerful and all good. And then I look around and I see a tsunami that killed a quarter million people in Indonesia. An earthquake that killed a quarter million people in Haiti. And I see earthquakes and tornadoes and disease, childhood Leukemia. And I see all of this and I say I do not see evidence of both of those being true simultaneously. If there is a God, the God is either not all powerful, or not all good. It can't be both."
All this disorder was not God's original plan. Adam was to tend the Garden of Eden in peace and harmony. But his sin brought disorder to the universe. God did not abandon Adam. He promised a redeemer. The merits earned by this redeemer were sufficient to restore the universe back to its original condition but God chose not to do that. He chose to allow suffering to continue to test our faith and love of him. Christ's merits earned enough grace to move all of humanity toward loving God and being saved but some resist grace and thus disorder remains.