What a hilarious thread! Post, I laughed so hard about your monolith action figure!
Anyway, I have been a Sci-Fi fan since I was 11, when I read my first book. Back when the Sci-Fi section in the library consisted of 20 books, which I read in a few weeks. Then I had to go back into historical fiction, till the next new Sci-Fi book came in. I watched Star Trek from the first episode back in the 60’s, and put up with silly series like Lost in Space. I have kept up my reading and movie watching, having read pretty much every Sci-Fi novel and short story that was ever written. But not comics! That was my line in the sand.
i watched every Sci-Fi movie ever created, every documentary about Science Fiction, and lover it all.
The one thing I learned, besides all the subgenres, like military and fantasy etc, was that Science Fiction promotes a world view. It can be Buddhist, like Arthur C Clarke, or atheist like Asimov, or hedonist like Robert Heinlein. There is even Christian Science Fiction, which I have found and reread, like the Narnis Stories. But ALL science fiction reflects the philosophy, the ontology of the author!
Make no mistake about it! You are being swayed by some world view or other, unless you are very firm in your faith. Very easy to get swayed to this aliens are demons nonsense, without any Biblical proof. Because there is none! Just speculation!
The other thing I have learned, besides some imaginative speculations on where science will go, is that Science Fiction is FICTION!
I just can’t believe so many people have forgotten that! It is made up! Forget about aliens or demons. Science Fiction is fiction! You need to hold that truth in your mind, while you read this outlandish genre (which I love!)
When I was 11, I watched The Time Machine on TV and I was so scared I couldn’t sleep for nights. So I got the book out of the library, thinking I knew the ending. Well, the book had another scary ending, another week of being scared and not sleeping.
The valuable lesdon i learned was -enjoy the fiction, but always remember it is not real.
Only the Bible is real, and there are NO passages that connect aliens, demons, angels or end times!
So, spend your time drawing close to Jesus, and don’t believe what is written in FICTION!