A concern I have about what I believe to be the false pre-trib rapture teaching is how all the Christians who so dogmatically believed in it will react when they realize that they are not raptured and are clearly in the tribulation. I fear a great many of them will give up their faith in Christ because their faith in their interpretation of the Bible has been proven wrong.
How many others will have a crisis of faith when they find themselves in the tribulation? Will their faith be in what they have been taught about the Bible or will it be in the person of Jesus Christ who is greater than all teaching about the Bible?
You are righteous to be concerned.
It is Jesus that instituted globalization. It was he that said go into all the world and preach the gospel.
And it was Jesus who said that his gospel will be preached in all the world, and then the end shall come.
But, many today think the point of salvation is to get some and retire to heaven. They are mistaken.
What is occurring on earth is exactly as scripture said would happen.
Jesus returned to heaven and presented his holy blood to end all debate against God and his Christ. And then after proving himself worthy by his blood and the testimony of his life on earth as a man, he ascended the most high throne of God, in heaven. A man sitting as God on the right hand of God. That was the disaster that Lucifer and all his legions confronted. Then the gloves came off in heaven and the conspiracy of the red dragon was literally defeated in open warfare, and all the rebels were cast out and in the earth.
One third of the Devil’s minions were cast out immediately to the birth of Jesus. And we saw their effect on earth in the days of Jedus’ ministry.
What do you expect now with the full army of Satan down on earth with us today?
Jesus said, it was expedient for him to go and send the Holy Ghost back to us while he is gone away on his long journey to the far country. Why expedient? Because the Holy Ghost went global on Pentecost, and removed the language barrier between nations with respect to the gospel. That was the point of tongues on Pentecost, to notify the church what God is set on accomplishing. That is, the full harvesting of the souls of man on earth.
The rest is Satan’s efforts to the contrary.
So now, at the time of the end the forces of evil are being marshaled together globally. And the great falling away from the faith of Jesus will occur when persecution arises against all who believe the gospel.
The false saints will scurry into the safe harbor of a false global religion wherein shall be justifications for accepting the beast’s doctrine and thus avoiding the persecution of tribulation.