You know that whole false idea of Easter being pagan
started with Alexander Hislop.... maybe he hate the KJV or something I guess but Easter originally meant the rising sun or east and resurrection.
The English word Easter is of German/Saxon origin and not Babylonian as Alexander Hislop falsely claimed. The German equivalent is Oster. Oster (Ostern being the modern day equivalent) is related to Ost which means the rising of the sun, or simply in English, east. Oster comes from the old Teutonic form of auferstehen / auferstehung, which means resurrection, which in the older Teutonic form comes from two words, Ester meaning first, and stehen meaning to stand. These two words combine to form erstehen which is an old German form of auferstehen, the modern day German word for resurrection.7 (Italics in original)
Poppycock. Any serious study of the ancient religions of man will show you that fertility worship was common among all races. Every major empire and people had it's fertility rite of spring. Sumerians, Babylonians, Assyrians, Egyptians, Persians, Canaanites, Hittites, Scythians, Greeks, Romans, Celts, Norse, the peoples of the near & far east. Every culture known to man. Eggs, rabbits, evergreen trees, phallic symbols. They were obsessed. You can't get away from it. It isn't a story invented just lately to smear the venerated KJV. It's well-known, well documented, archaeologically provable
FACT. The British Museum holds mounds of evidence.