"A double minded man is unstable in all His ways."
"Not all that say to Me Lord Lord will enter the Kingdom of God, but those who do the will of My Father in heaven."
Salvation is "Kept by the power of God." "Keep yourselves in the Love of God." "Not of works lest any man should boast."
Last night dreamt I was tempted to be divided in spirit again: in the dream was cutting something in half. It occurred to me to look at what I was cutting in half, to my horror it was a dead body, the body of sin: if we are divided even the good in us is sin. My thought was to forget the horror of what I saw and turning to the Lord, heard: Be made whole. By then was awake, and later got up and turned to the Lord; acknowledging my sin of desiring to turn to the word for help in deceitful desires, and prayed, "To be made whole by the faith that is in Jesus." Jesus had already spoken it into existence to me as I woke from the dream: I was praying to receive it. Then saw the meaning of "The work of God, to believe on Him whom He has sent." God works in us an exchange of Identity with Christ: To believe is to follow, to go in His name. If we think we are better than others we are not in Christ. The beauty of perfection is not to be better: God doesn't think of Himself as better, He did not need to recover from being worse; rather perfection is compassion for the Lost. "For God is at work in you both to will and do His good pleasure," to follow Him in His death to all that is not of God: is the end of our dead works. "Daily pick up your cross and follow Me," ends our work, to enter into rest in God. "Through much trouble we enter the kingdom of God," "Work out your renewal, is "Faith that works by Love," and we know that "God is Love," in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. No one can attain to the Resurrection without the Holy Spirit, "The simplicity of Christ." We cant take credit for the work of God, rather we need to invest our whole heart and give credit to God for our interest. "Your pound has gained ten Pounds." What we have been freely given, we can lose by not walking in it: holding on to our old life. "Take the pound from him and give it to him who gained ten pounds: Lord He has ten pounds." This appears to make it obvious that while we are to lay our crown at His feet, acknowledging they are of Him, we get to keep them. "Just as the stars differ one from another in glory, so also is the Resurrection."
Decided to include this part of a study, related to the divided spirit in our dreams.
Enter in as a little child and put away your divided spirit:
"The weapons of our warfare are not of our fleshly mind, but mighty through God to pull down strong holds; turning down imaginations and every proud thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, to bring every thoughts in obedience of Christ." Obedience to God is dependence on the Holy Spirit. "Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit sais the Lord." To be filled with the Spirit is ongoing, leading us in the relationship of Jesus in constant fellowship with the Father. We will not be satisfied until we find our rest in God. Life in this world is a dream that wakes us up when we suffer disappointment; alone and in deep darkness, unprepared to suffer the journey alone with God, identified in the death of Christ. Without the power and leading of the Holy Spirit we are like the disciples at Gethsemane, tempted to go back asleep in the old dream. If we don't know how to interpret we won't enjoy the wonder. What we learn in the waiting on the Lord, is more important than what we are waiting for: renewed strength is to continue to appear before God, Grace to persevere through uncertain times, otherwise we would stop short on the journey. "One thing is needful," to forget what lies behind and go on to know the Lord, to prepare our heart for spiritual awakening: that we may enter in His rest.