This is the Azimuthal Equidistant map.
It is one of the most accurate representations of the world map, rendering with high precision all locations and continents. (in scale, unlike other maps)
It has been the preferred map by many navigators for a long time.
It perfectly represents the "Globe" in a flat plane.
You clearly make a fool out of yourselves when you demonstrate your ignorance on such basic concepts.
Maybe you really don't know as much as you think.
RESEARCH, don't mock.
This is the Azimuthal Equidistant map.
It is one of the most accurate representations of the world map, rendering with high precision all locations and continents. (in scale, unlike other maps)
It has been the preferred map by many navigators for a long time.
It perfectly represents the "Globe" in a flat plane.
You clearly make a fool out of yourselves when you demonstrate your ignorance on such basic concepts.
Maybe you really don't know as much as you think.
RESEARCH, don't mock.
It is impossible to represent a roughly-spherical surface accurately on a flat plane without some distortion.
In order for your flat-earth hypothesis to be viable, your position must account for all real-world observations in a consistent and scientifically-testable manner. Couching your position in conspiracy theories and simplistic observations is woefully inadequate.