Thank you for answering brother I will remember this post #351 and refer back to it later with the questions I have.
In what you said at the end of the 5th paragraph you said that the Antichrist would establish an "agreement" and then allow them to build the temple. This is one of the things you said that is confusing to me in that Paul said that he would sit in the temple and show that he himself as God and that it was what was one of the things that would take place first (2 Thessalonian 2:3...ect.) and so I would think as though he would come and sit in the temple and claim to be God before and not after as you say.
The first thing the AC does is establish that seven year covenant, which will allow Israel to build their long awaited temple. In Dan.9:27, it states that in the middle of the seven years, he causes the sacrifices and offerings to cease, which tells us that sacrifices and offerings will be going on during the first 3 1/2 years, which means that the AC will not yet have proclaimed himself to be God during that time. It is not until the middle of the seven years, that he stops their sacrifices and offerings and sets up that abomination, which causes them to flee out into the desert to that place God will have prepared for them and where they will remain until Jesus returns at the end of that last 3 1/2 years to end the age and establish his millennial kingdom.
If the AC proclaimed himself to be God at the beginning of the seven years, then Israel would not be able to build their temple to sacrifice to God during the first 3 1/2 years.
Beginning of the seven = AC makes a seven year covenant with Israel and worship God during the first 3 1/2 years
Middle of the seven = AC stops the sacrifices and sets up the abomination and at some point stands in the temple proclaiming to be God. the abomination causes Israel to flee out into the desert for 1260 days (3 1/2 years)
End of the seven = Seventh bowl is poured out and Jesus returns to the earth to end the age and establish his millennial kingdom.