When I thought I had lost all my personal files, all the images I have accumulated over the last almost four years since getting this device, and especially all the hours of work of the last couple of weeks, installing the fonts, the finding transparent graphics to add to the templates I have made in preparation for having the Word of God added to them, I was not really upset. I just thought, hmmm, maybe I should have backed up my files
Even though the reset is not supposed to affect them! I had looked in folder after folder, only to find them empty
All my movies, and TV series? Gone! All my text documents? Gone! All my images? Gone! All my photos? Gone! But my computer was using the screensaver images I had before the reset, and I realized that would not be possible if everything had been wiped clean. Phew!
However, all my bookmarks are gone
Sometimes, it is good to start fresh 
However, all my bookmarks are gone