abosolutely no way can a perosn have faith without works period cant be part of the faith tree without works...
But I would say that all of us need to be very very careful as to judging what good works are according what Jesus said good works are, but further more judging what level of works are required as a result of our faith in Jesus.
To me a simple example would be, let's say someone places their faith in Jesus but has anger issues.
Will their anger issues suddenly stop? I would say not (please note everyone I'm not limiting God here cause it may happen)
I would say that a person with faith in Jesus then the Holy Spirit will reveal it to them, then that person will ask for help but will want help.
That being the case anger will start to decrease and that will be replaced with an increase of?
Hmm I'm trying to think with what an increase of what.
I think I would have to say, love and self control.