Tanakh...everyone has their own opinion...i have never based my faith on outside sources. Of course, in the post-modern world that is the trend. Charismatic and Pentecostal views are abounding everywhere. The Word of God has not changed...The Bible has or at least all those Versons beyond the KJV have.. With all those budding theologist out there, they have decided that just about everyone needs a Bible version of their own...
Oh, they for the most part say the same thing. Yet, when only one word is different than those that God allowed to be printed, changes the Bible into just another novel. Another book of good and bad, life and death.
You see, God is in control,,,, IN CONTROL,,,,,There is no Global warming that was caused by mankind yet man's arrogance is running high these days. There are no Aliens from other worlds,,,,,only Fallen Angels, who are part of Satans group, indoctrinating those who will listen and those who will rejoice at the coming of the Ancient alien race that placed us here. The Word of GOD is what HE allowed to be inspired or written. Have you ever ask yourself why all the biblical changes in today society? Its called PC..... Even the Bible has been affected by this little two word phrase. To make someone feel good about themselves, about their lifestyles, about their eternity, etc. etc.....
There are those out there that take the Bible apart verse by verse and read into each verse what they want it to say. The Book of Revelation is a great example. To most it is only symbolism. When one has a vision,. the interpretation of that vision is anybody's guess. Post-tribers remove the 1000 years of Jesus' physical rule here on earth as a Spiritual event that we are in now. How they got to this point, I do not know... BUT by removing the millennium, one can discount Daniel and His prophecies,,,One can discount the almost 800 prophcies within the Book of Revelation itself. None of the Tribulations will happen because they were in the past (70AD), Israel is forsaken by GOD himself who turned his attention to the Church. I presume they are talking about the EMERGING Church where even tribes who have never heard the Word of God or saw a Bible are standing on HOLY GROUND (thus saved) because God was once there.
Jesus tells us in Mat 24:21-22....,. A book that everybody likes to quote from and distort freely, tells us that there will be a great tribulation (which most place in the Past). Continuing in verse 22 HE tells us that unless the days were shortened, there would be no life left on earth. OH, they cry to get this verse out of the Bible and cannot, so they just ignore verse 22....... WHY????? because how could the Roman Army destroy all life on earth in 70 AD????? The answer is they could not.... BUT today we could very easily kill everyone on earth with nuclear weapons.
Yes, my friend it is getting bad out there and it appears you have been caught-up in it as well. It is so-sad. For when the Rapture happens, the Nuclear bombs start dropping, killing millions with hunger & pestilence taking their fair share on human bodies, for these who die, there is no hope of Salvation. The sadist thing is,,,, for those who are all about everything but the WORD of GOD, will have only themselves to blame. Because unlike the 70 AD destruction of Jerusalem and God's temple, The death toll of Human life will be WORLD WIDE......
I pray each day, that you(Tanakh) and the others see through the smoke and wrap yourselves around the Truth of Jesus Christ.
However, the denials I hear on this forum leads those who preach those denials, away from the Word of GOD and places them in the path of destruction and eternal torment. It is So-Sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tankh, I hope you have a blessed day.