No, I don't have ADHD.. lol.. It's just that I find reading the bible, boring after a few minutes, and my brain is focused on getting ready to do all of what I have to do.. Do you use study aids or anything?
When reading the Bible what helps me is to try and "be" the characters and my mind plays the stories like a movie in my head.
I add sights and smells and sounds from what i have read about the country and time period. Infer emotions and add tone to what people say and try and be "in" the story.
I have been told I have an active imagination.
When I pray, it's like a conversation between God and myself.
Do you have a favorite grandmother or someone you enjoy talking to for hours,because they have so much wisdom and stories to tell you?
Sometimes it's like that for me.
Sometimes it's just a song of worship and praise that goes thru my head for the rest of the day.
However I try each morning and evening to spend quiet time with God in either prayer, worship or bible reading.
As little as five minutes and as much as a few hours. Depends on my life at the time.