Many people claim to be saved who are not. Only the Holy Spirit declaring them children of God is evidence of salvation.
Changed life and attitude is not.
Many other religions have those "proofs"
The main question is upon whom do you rest your faith and hope of salvation?
Yourself and what you do FOR GOD?
or Jesus Christ and what He did FOR YOU?
Changed life and attitude is not.
Many other religions have those "proofs"
The main question is upon whom do you rest your faith and hope of salvation?
Yourself and what you do FOR GOD?
or Jesus Christ and what He did FOR YOU?
or OSAS. Another group say it is easy to get saved, but say these words etc.
I am convinced all we can do is put Jesus's words in our hearts and follow
Him as the Holy Spirit leads. Thankfully each person is responsible only
for themselves, and praise the Lord He has blessed us with His love through
the cross.
No matter how crazy people get around you, that still small voice keeps on
saying "I love you" Halleluyah. Christ is good. Amen