I recently had a Christian tell me that Jesus didn't drink wine. That He drank grape juice. So I guess did Jesus turn water into wine or grape juice?
what Willy said.....and....
Nonsense....Jesus made wine and the following references make no sense if it is grape juice...
They called Jesus a WINEBIBBER because he drank grape juice and He even referenced himself drinking wine<--The Son of man came DRINKING and EATING
Be not drunk with grape juice in excess.....<---what the.....
Paul told Timothy as a young pastor to drink a little wine
Proverbs says wine makes the heart merry
etc.....It is NOT those things that enter into a man that defiles a man....and drinking wine is perfectly fine if a) it does not cause a weaker brethren to stumble or b) In moderation and not being drunk.....
END of STORY.......to say Jesus made grape juice is not only ignorant, it is contrary to the truth.....!